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게시물 검색
Notice - NO, Category, Title, Date Created,
NO Category Title Date Created
287 School SUNY Korea Graduate Online Application for the Spring 2022 Semester 2021-10-25
286 Student EVENT: Bingo Game Time (RSVP Deadline: October 18, 2021) 2021-10-14
285 Career Opportunities [Career Center] RSVP Now: KOTRA Online Job Fair for Foreign-Invested C… 2021-10-07
284 School 1st Incheon International Forum of East Asian Citizenship Education 2021-09-13
283 2020~21회계연도 산학협력단 결산서 2021-08-31
282 Student [Recruitment] Fall 2021 Work-Study Program (~ 8/29) 2021-08-23
281 IGC [Housing] Fall 2021 New Students' Application Guidelines (8/10-11) 2021-08-06
280 IGC [Housing] Fall 2021 Application Guidelines (7/28-8/2) 2021-07-27
279 Career Opportunities [Career Center] Competition: Asia-Pacific Environmental Challenge 2021-07-02
278 Student [Recruitment] Summer 2021 Work-Study Program (~ 6/27) 2021-06-24
277 School [재입찰공고] 인천경제자유구역청 혁신생태계 조성사업의 물류 혁신 클러스터 조성을 위한 물류기업 및 현장 수요조사 용역 2021-06-17
276 School [입찰공고] 한국뉴욕주립대학교 대표 및 학과 홈페이지 개편 구축 용역(재입찰) 2021-06-14
275 2021~22회계연도 산학협력단 예산서 및 2020~21회계연도 산학협력단 추가경정예산서 2021-06-10
274 School [입찰공고] 인천경제자유구역청 혁신생태계 조성사업의 물류 혁신 클러스터 조성을 위한 물류기업 및 현장 수요조사 용역 2021-06-07
273 IGC [Housing] IGC Summer Staying Application (6/2 - 6/4) 2021-06-02