The Student Services Team holds several campus-wide events during the school year. These
activities provide students the chance to have an enjoyable campus life and make close bonds between classmates.
Because of these events, SUNY Korea can boast a strong, familial campus where all students support each other
and foster an environment of success. A few of the major events are shown below.
Year-End Party & SUNY Korea’s Got Talent Show
The Year-End Party is an annual event hosted by the Student Services & Undergraduate Student
Council (USC) to celebrate with the SUNY Korea students, faculty, and staff. At the event, we also host the
talent show where the SUNY Korea community members sign up to showcase their talent and possibly win a prize.
You can enjoy free food, music, entertainment, and dress up to celebrate the end of the year together!
Spring Festival & Fashion Show
The Spring Festival is another campus-wide event hosted with the USC. The festival is open to the
IGC Community so anyone could drop by to enjoy the club and department booths, fashion show, student
performances, and the special guest stage!
Finals Countdown Dinner
Formerly known as Midnight Breakfast, the event is held each semester to support our students as
they prepare for finals, the staff and faculty members get together to provide free dinner for our students.
Before COVID-19, the food was prepared and distributed on site, but currently the event has been prepared as
take-away style. However, this did not change our efforts to cheer for our students and the students’ enthusiasm
with the free food, snacks, and support from us.