Ministry of Science and ICT
Announcement No. 2024-0193
2024 Ministry of Science and ICT basic research project
(Individual study-global matching (Sweden))
2024 Ministry of Science and ICT basic research project global
matching type (Sweden)
We announce the new project selection support plan as follows.
February 27, 2024
<Ministry in Charge> Minister of Science and ICT Lee Jong-ho
<Professional Organization> Lee Gwang-bok, Chairman of the National
Research Foundation of Korea
1. Research project overview
□ Research project purpose
ㅇ Strengthen international joint research to secure global research
capabilities and create innovative basic research results through
collaboration with world-class researchers.
ㅇ Support for international joint research projects through joint budget
support (bilateral) with leading countries in basic research that share
□ Research project details
ㅇ Project name: Global matching type (Sweden)
ㅇ Competition method: RFP
ㅇ Research project type: International joint research project (individual
ㅇ Support areas: 12 basic areas of science and technology strategy
※ 12 basic areas of science and technology strategy: semiconductors and displays, secondary
batteries, advanced mobility, next-generation nuclear power, advanced bio, aerospace
and maritime, hydrogen, cybersecurity, artificial intel igence (AI), next-generation
communications, advanced robots and manufacturing, quantum technology
ㅇ Support period: 3 years (2024.11.1.~2027.10.31.)
ㅇ Support scale
Number of
Around 10
expenses per
Within 200 million won per year
36 months (2024.11.1. ~
Within 600 mil ion won
1st year
12 months (2024.11.1. ~
Within 200 mil ion won
12 months (2025.11.1. ~
Within 200 mil ion won
3rd year
12 months (2026.11.1. ~
Within 200 mil ion won
※ Swedish support scale: 1.63 million kronor per year, planned for 3 years
ㅇ Eligibility for application: Full- time faculty in the science and
engineering field at domestic universities and full-time researchers at
national or government-funded research institutes
※ Researchers affiliated with private research institutes, university technology holding
companies, and government agencies cannot apply.
ㅇ Support details: Research and development expenses and activity
expenses for establishing a cooperative network, etc.
※ Korea’s research and development expenses are calculated according to the
“Standards for using research and development expenses for national research
and development projects,” and 5% of indirect costs are applied within the
research expenses.
※ Both countries support their own researchers, and Swedish researchers are scheduled
to be supported by the Swedish Strategic Research Foundation (SSF) (see SSF's
announcement for details such as the Swedish research period, research funds,
and application qualifications).
※ This project is supported by matching research funds on a 1:1 basis between the two
countries, and the costs for researchers from each country are The principle is to
support research with domestic research funds. However, during mutual
exchange, support for the other party's living expenses, etc. can be cross-
supported in accordance with the principle of mutual reciprocity.
< Things to keep in mind when applying >
1. The application must be processed as “submitted” before the deadline for
submission to the principal investigator.
(Please note that if the application is closed as “plan being prepared,” it will not be
2. Only projects submitted to both Korea and Sweden will be recognized as joint
- Korean and Swedish research directors must submit applications separately
through the application systems of both countries.
- Swedish application deadline: Until 14:00 on Friday, April 15, 2024 (Swedish local
- For further details on application such as Swedish research period, research funds, and
application qualifications, refer to the project information on the SSF website
2. Application qualifications and participation restrictions
□ Number of applied/selected tasks
blanket (Application and Selection) Among the global matching types
(Germany, Sweden, UK) , only one project (application by target country)
can be applied and selected as a research director or general researcher
(participating researcher).
<Number of global matching applications and selection projects>
business name
When to
ng type
① Germany (DFG)
Only 1
~April '24
only 1
② Sweden (SSF)
~April '24
③ United Kingdom
(Royal Society)
~April '24
※ The global matching type is excluded from the application and selection restrictions
for one project per person within basic research individual research projects ,
but is included in the number of research and development projects (3 books, 5
※ Application period and research start date may vary by country
depending on project implementation conditions, budget, and
consultation with the other country.
□ Restrictions on application and performance
ㅇ (Participation Restrictions) For researchers who have been subject to
restrictions on participation in national research and development projects, the
period of sanctions is determined by the researcher's research plan. You can
apply for and participate in new assignments only if they are completed by
the day before the application deadline.
- If you are subject to participation restrictions during the new project
selection process after applying, you must notify the professional
organization (National Research Foundation of Korea) of the fact and the
project wil be excluded from selection evaluation and selection.
※ Related: Article 32 of the National Research, Development and Innovation Act and
Article 59, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
※ In order to apply for and perform a new national research and development project, the
participation restriction period must end by the day before the application
deadline according to the relevant regulations, so please be sure to check
whether your participation is restricted before applying for a research project (
http://www.ntis.go. ( Available after logging in)
blanket (Limitation on the number of research and development
tasks) This project fal s under the ‘restriction on the number of research
tasks (3 books, 5 projects)’
- Basic research projects limit the number of research and development
tasks that researchers can perform simultaneously to a maximum of 5
, of which the number of research and development tasks that can be
performed simultaneously as a research director is limited to a
maximum of 3. (Related: Article 64 of the Enforcement Decree of the
National Research, Development and Innovation Act )
- However, exceptions to the limit on the number of concurrent tasks may
be recognized depending on professional judgment regarding the
technical and policy importance of the task, urgency of research and
development, etc., and the exception recognition process is promoted
through expert deliberation during task selection and evaluation.
Exceptions to the limit on the number of research and development tasks
1. Research and development project to be completed within 6 months from the deadline for
submitting the research and development plan
2. Research and development tasks related to preliminary investigation, planning and
evaluation research, or testing, inspection and analysis
3. Research and development tasks for the purpose of coordination and management of
research and development tasks
4. Research and development projects related to infrastructure construction projects, higher
education financial support projects, human resource development projects, and academic
activity projects that do not primarily involve research and development.
5. Research and development tasks related to the basic Research project of an institution
directly established pursuant to other laws (research and development projects carried out
with a budget directly contributed by the government to achieve the purpose of
establishment according to the articles of incorporation )
6. A research project carried out jointly by a research and development institution (excluding
companies under Article 169 of the Commercial Act, but including a specialized production
technology research center under Article 42 of the Industrial Technology Innovation
Promotion Act) with small and medium-sized enterprises, and approved by the Minister of
Science and ICT of the relevant central administrative agency. Research and development
projects whose research and development costs are separately determined in
consultation with the head
7. Other research and development tasks that have been reviewed by the National Science
and Technology Advisory Council as it is necessary to calculate them without including
them in the number of research and development tasks for the purpose of promoting
research and development, etc.
ㅇ (Distinction review) The task evaluation team conducts a differentiation
review for research and development projects that have been promoted
or are being promoted as national research and development projects,
referring to NTIS verification data, etc.
- If you are currently carrying out or participating in a similar project,
please refrain from applying and be sure to individually check the
similarity between the research plan you wish to apply for and the
previously supported national research and development project
(including other ministries) before applying for the project.
- Excluded from selection if it is determined to be a task that overlaps with
an existing national research and development project task.
※ How to search for similar assignments: Log in to → Participate in
assignment → Similar assignment → Similarity review
ㅇ (limitation on duplicate applications) Within a global matching
project, only one project can be applied for and performed as a
research director or co-researcher, and all projects with duplicate
applicants are excluded from evaluation.
3. Application procedure
▸ The 2024 basic research project replaces the existing eR&D of the National
Research Foundation of Korea and involves project application, evaluation, and
management through IRIS * ( operated by the Korea Institute of
Science and Technology Planning and Evaluation (KISTEP). Proceed with work
* IRIS ( Integrated R &D Information System ) : Integrated systems operated by each ministry and
specialized organization into one Pan-ministerial integrated research support system
blanket The research director logs in to the inter-ministerial integrated research
support system ( IRIS , and After completing the
online input information and uploading the research plan, etc.,
confirmation and approval by the host research institution
Required requirements before
Sign up for IRIS
(NRI), agree to
become a
researcher, and
register / renew
experience, etc.)
IRIS institution
application for
institution general
(authorization of
registration of
representative, etc.
Fill out online
and register
research plan,
Host research
Host research
Host research
※ Before submission, be sure to check with the research management officer at your
institution whether approval is possible from the host research institution.
※ For details, be sure to check the attached detailed project application guidelines.
▸ In order to apply for an assignment through IRIS, there are mandatory
requirements before submission, so please prepare in advance to avoid
any problems with the assignment application.
※ Details are [Appendix (Manual) 1-1] (Required items to be implemented before
submitting a research and development project (KISTEP IRIS Management Team))
[Appendix (Manual) 1-2] (IRIS membership registration (researcher conversion) and
researcher information registration manual)
(Researcher ) ① Sign up as an IRIS member, ② Go to NRI (National Researcher
Information System) in IRIS and agree to become a researcher
(Issuance of a National
Researcher Number), ③ Education/Experience * and Major Research Performance
Performance ** Information must be registered within NRI
* Required to register work (affiliate) department in career information
** Create a list of tasks completed and in progress/applied over the past 5 years
① and ② : Required for al participating researchers, including the research director
(excluding student researchers from institutions with integrated student labor cost
③: Required only for the research director
(Host research institution) IRIS institution registration, application for institution
general manager (authorization of institution manager), registration of institution
representative, etc.
※ Institutional representatives and institution (general) managers are also required to sign up as
IRIS members and agree to become a researcher (issuance of a national researcher
number) . If the representative information is not registered, the researcher cannot
complete the submission of the project, so the required actions must be taken before
the start of the application period. necessary
< Precautions for selecting a host research institution >
- When applying for a project , in the case of a university, the host research
institution should be <00 University>, not <00 University Industry-Academic
Cooperation Foundation>.
- Registration of <00 University>'s institutional information (registration of
institutional representative, application for institutional manager, grant of approval
authority to institutional manager, etc.)
is required.
※ If the institution representative is not registered while applying for a project to <00 University>,
the representative of <00 University Industry-Academia Collaboration Foundation> can be
added through [Add Application Personnel] in the [Research Institution] tab [Representative and
Application Personnel Information] section of the IRIS research and development plan. can be
registered as a representative of <00 University>
- Approval authority is given to the institutional staff of the University (00
University) and the Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (00 University
Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation) to approve all assignments applied
to the University or the Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation.
※ Currently, the institutional information (representative, institutional manager, etc.) is registered
only under <00 University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation>, and if it is difficult to
change the information to <00 University> and apply due to the deadline for application, You can
also apply as a cooperative group>
▸ IRIS Contact: IRIS Call Center 1877-2041 or
IRIS homepage>Notifications/Customers>System/Service Inquiries>Usage
Inquiry Bulletin Board
blanket Refer to the assignment submission manual: Log in to the inter-
ministerial integrated research support system ( →
Click and access the R&D Research project portal → R&D customer center
→ IRIS user manual → [IRIS R&D integrated Research project portal - for
researchers ] Download the application manual
※ Responsibility for errors in application due to lack of familiarity with the application
manual lies with the applicant.
blanket Once the research and development plan is completed, you can
'submit' after completing 'final confirmation' at the top right of the
screen. Submitted research and development plans cannot be further
modified or deleted.
※ Modification of the research and development plan is possible only until the
deadline for submission to the research director.
4. Evaluation method
① Submissi
on of
② Prior review
③ Expert
④ Joint
⑤ Selection
Host research
Confirm receipt
from both
countries and
Utilization of
Online written
Consultation on
evaluation and
selection tasks by
the joint
between the two
Ministry of
Science and
Foundation of
ㅇ Prior review: Confirm that the institutions , organizations, and
researchers subject to selection evaluation are not subject to
participation restrictions and meet the application qualifications in
accordance with Article 11 of the Enforcement Decree of the National
Research, Development and Innovation Act.
ㅇ 1st expert evaluation: An evaluation group composed of external
experts in each technology field assigns points for each evaluation item
and provides evaluation opinions (online written evaluation)
ㅇ 2nd joint evaluation committee evaluation: Form a joint evaluation
committee between the two countries to review the results of the 1st
evaluation, mutually discuss, and agree on the final selection task
ㅇ Final selection: Final decision by the Ministry of Science and ICT after a
professional organization reports the results of evaluation and
selection consultation on the results of consultation with the other
※ A preliminary review wil be conducted after the application deadline, and if the application
eligibility requirements are not met, the application wil be excluded from evaluation
(applications wil be considered complete only when both applications are received in
both countries).
※ Evaluation procedures and methods may change depending on the application size and
detailed evaluation plan.
5. Application period
□ Application reception period
Research director
application period
(Deadline for application)
2024.3.15.(Fri) ~ 4.15.(Mon) until 17:00
※ Swedish application deadline: 2024.4.15. (Mon)
14:00 (local time)
Host research institution
review/approval period
2024.3.15.(Fri) ~ 4.17.(Wed) until 17:00
Application Process
Researcher application ▷ Approval from the host
research institution ▷ Application completion
※ The principal investigator must complete the registration of the research plan and the
request for institutional review by the application deadline, and the application wil
be finalized only when the director of the host research institute approves the principal
investigator's application.
Principal Investigator : In principle, all protocol registration
(application completion) and institutional review requests must be
completed within the [Principal Research Director application period].
Host research institution : Review and approval of the protocol
submitted by the researcher must be completed within the [host
research institution review/approval period] (However, advance
review and approval is possible during the principal investigator
application period)
Relief is absolutely not possible for projects that are not
completed within the deadline , and since writing errors are
frequent when uploading plans (validation errors, etc.), it is
recommended that researchers upload at least 5 days before the
application deadline.
□ Things to keep in mind when applying
If there are no applicants or fewer than the number of new
applications are received, re-announcement is possible.
Exclusion from evaluation is possible in cases such as submission
of application after the deadline, insufficient submission documents,
duplication of research content with other projects, ineligibility for
application, etc.
A research plan containing information that is different from the facts;
Sanctions (cancel ation of selection, etc.) are possible if information is included
in the attached materials, etc.
Matters not specified in this notice are subject to relevant laws
and regulations.
※ 「Basic Science and Technology Act「 , 「Basic Research Promotion and Technology
Development Support Act 」, 「National Research, Development and Innovation Act「 ,
「Enforcement Decree of the National Research, Development and Innovation Act 」,
「Processing of research and development projects in the field of science and
technology under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and ICT Regulations , etc.
This notice may be subject to modifications during the notice
period, and if any modifications occur, they will be announced
separately through the Research project notice menu.
6. Promotion schedule (draft)
Promotion details
Global matching (Sweden) project announcement
2024.3.15.(Fri) 09:00~4.15.(Mon)
Application for research director (deadline for project
application submission)
※ Swedish deadline:
2024.4.15. (Fri) 14:00 (local
2024.3.15.(Fri) 09:00~4.17.(Wed)
Review of the host research and development
agency ․ approval
June~September 2024
Selection evaluation (individual evaluation of both
countries) and selection task consultation
In October 2024
Announcement of selection results
Research commencement
※ Future schedule may vary depending on consultations with other countries and project
progress status.
7. Other matters
□ Guide to thesis transcription
○ When publishing a research paper in an academic journal, an
acknowledgment is indicated on the paper.
▸ Korean notation
This research was conducted with the support of the National Research Foundation
of Korea with funding from the government (Ministry of Science and ICT) (IRIS
project number).
▸ English notation
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (IRIS project number).
※ MSIT: Ministry of Science and ICT
※ Achievements can be replaced with actual achievements such as papers, patents, etc.
□ Related to domestic and overseas dispatch research
ㅇ In principle , when a research director is dispatched to a domestic or
foreign institution for more than 6 months from the start of research
, prior approval is required. If it is determined that research is
impossible at the approval review stage, whether to discontinue the
project is reviewed through a special evaluation.
※ If you are already dispatched as of the research start date, request approval from the
specialized organization immediately after the agreement.
□ Mandatory completion of cyber research ethics training
ㅇ Starting in 2018, principal researchers of basic research projects must
complete cyber research ethics training after starting research.
- Designated education operation institution: National Institute of Science
and Technology Human Resources Development (https://alpha-
- Education-related inquiries: Alpha Campus for Scientists and Engineers
□ Recommendations for preventing poor academic activities
ㅇ When presenting the research results of a project supported by the
National Research Foundation of Korea in a paper, the principal
investigator should use a sound academic journal (or conference) that
the relevant academic community can trust.
ㅇ If participating researchers (including student researchers) wish to present
their research results in a paper , the principal investigator must check
whether the relevant academic organization is an organization that can
be recognized by the relevant academic community.
※ The researcher (responsible person)’s publication performance in academic journals
suspected of being insolvent may be reflected in the project evaluation results (selection,
stage, final).
8. Contact information
□ Inquiry process
“ The phone connection may not be smooth due to the flood of
“Be sure to check the notice and FAQ and then ask questions
through the research institution.”
□ How to check notices and forms
ㅇ If the announcement contents are modified, the modifications will
be posted through the Research project notice menu below, so
continuous confirmation is required (modifications will not be
notified individually)
ㅇ National Research Foundation of Korea ( →
Project information → Project announcement → Project
Government-wide integrated research support system
( → Research project information → Project
notice → Project notice
□ How to check related laws, rules, manuals, etc.
ㅇ Access the government-wide research fund integrated management
system website (
ㅇ Law ․ Rule . Rules: 「Laws and regulations related to national R&D
research funds →
‘Common laws and regulations’ → Check
related to ‘Ministry of Science and ICT’, ‘Ministry of Science and ICT
(National Research Foundation of Korea)’
ㅇ Research/Fund Management Manual: Click on 「Research/Fund
Management Manual 」
□ Contact information
① (Inquiries regarding online input and submission system) Government-wide
integrated research support system: 1877-2041
② (Project / evaluation-related inquiries) International Exchange Team,
International Cooperation Headquarters, National Research Foundation of
- Senior Research Fellow Jongdeok Kim: 02-3460-5681 /
③ (Inquiries from Sweden) The Swedish Foundation for Strategic
Research (SSF)
- Contact:
+ 46 8 505 81 665, Joakim Amorim,
- Related site:
enclosure: 2024 Basic Research Project (Individual Research-Global
Matching (Sweden)) New Project Contest Guide (Detailed Project
Application Guidelines, etc.)