「 Robot Industry National Advanced Strategic Technology Designation
Demand Survey 」Announcement
’24. 03. 04.(Mon), K o r e a A s s o c i a t i o n o f R o b o t I n d u s t r y
□ Background overview
Designating the robot industry as a national high-tech strategic industry and
considering designating it as a national high-tech strategic technology to intensively
protect and foster it.
The government (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) is considering designating
future cars, defense industry, nuclear power plants, etc. as additional industries in the
national high-tech strategic industry development general plan(’23 May).
In the fourth general plan(’24 Jan) for intelligent robots, the government expressed its
intention to establish a support grounding for the robot industry by designating it as a
national high-tech strategic industry.
□ Main purpose and aim
(Tech choice) Robot items that meet the requirements for national advanced strategic
technology designation and discovery of production (mass production) technology
(concretization of technology specifications)
* Technology that has a significant impact on national and economic security, such as supply
chain stabilization, and a significant national economic effect, such as exports and
employment, and a significant ripple effect on related industries.
(Tech application) Submit in detail according to the official demand survey
application form and respond to subsequent deliberation
□ Implementation plan
Demand Survey / survey preparation (End of Feb), Survey (Mid- march), Listening
to pros and cons (End of March)
□ Servey purpose
Contribute to national economic security and national economic development by
establishing a foundation for sustainable growth of the industry by creating an
innovation ecosystem for high-tech strategic industries and strengthening technological
□ Target
Industries with a high level of technology and a high impact on economic security,
such as national economy and supply chain issues such as export employment
Designate the scope of high-tech strategic industries through designation of advanced
strategic technologies
◈ National advanced strategic technology: Technology that has a significant impact on national and
economic security, such as supply chain stabilization, and a significant national economic effect, such
as exports and employment, and a significant ripple effect on related industries.
◈ National high-tech strategic industry: An industry that researches, develops or commercializes
strategic technologies or produces and commercializes products and services based on strategic
o After designation of advanced strategic technology, the business department determines the
scope of the industry to be supported in consultation with the technology designation
※ Trend: National high-tech strategic industry scope notice (’24.2.14)
□ Relevant effect(summary)
Simultaneously fostering cutting-edge strategic industries and protecting cutting-edge
strategic technologies
Training measures
Protective measures
(regulation + punishment)
Finance: R&D, investment assistance, talent development,
international cooperation
Administration: Special provisions for preliminary approval,
expedited processing of permits and approvals
Tax system: special tax treatment, levy reduction
Finance: Credit guarantee
Solidarity: Cultivating specialized complexes, networking
between industry, academia and research institutes
Corporation (Regulation): Approval for export of all results,
technology transfer, and mergers and acquisitions of overseas
Individual (Regulation): Restrictions on job change in the
same industry overseas, signing of technology protection
contracts, provision of re-employment information after
retirement, access to immigration information, etc. <some
Individual (punishment): Increased imprisonment (5 to 20
years) and fines
□ Key considerations related to designation
Considerations when designating national advanced strategic technology (Law §11 Ordinance§14)
① Technologies that have a significant impact on industrial supply chains and national economic
② Considering market outlook and corporate trends, technology with great future growth potential
③ Technology difficult for companies to easily approach due to high technical difficulty
④ Technology that has a large ripple effect on other industries through linkage and convergence with other
⑤ Technology of great industrial importance
⑥ Technology that has a significant impact on national economic growth, such as exports and
⑦ Domestic level and industrialization stage of the relevant technology
⑧ Trade scale and international market trends of the relevant technology
Effects of national advanced strategic technology designation Refer to the law for details
<Nurturing> Support for various special cases such as development, R&D, and improvement of regulations
reflecting national designation of specialized complexes
<Defense> Protected national advanced strategic technologies are managed as “national core technologies”
under the Industrial Technology Protection Act.
※ Approval of technology exports and overseas mergers and acquisitions, strategic technology leaks,
infringements, prohibition and punishment, etc.
National advanced strategic technology application designation procedure plan
① Distribution of application materials
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
→ Related ministries, industry-specific cooperative
organizations and companies
② Collection and collection of application
1. Industry-specific associations and enterprises →
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
2. Related ministries → Ministry of Trade, Industry and
Energy Ministry of Science and ICT
③ Technical Coordination Committee
Technical Coordination Committee
Field-specific Private Review → Subcommittee Technical
Coordination Committee
④ National High-Tech Strategic Industry
Deliberation and resolution submitted to the National High-
Tech Strategic Industry Committee
⑤ Deliberation and resolution submitted to
the National High-Tech Strategic Industry
Notification by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
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