Korea-Sweden Joint Research Program 2024
- Proposal Guidelines and Application Form-
February 2024
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
1. Guidelines for the Proposals
A. General Information
1. Project Title
Please enter the full title of your proposed project
2. Research Field
Please enter the research area in the research proposal among the following 12 strategic research technology
fields : Semiconductor and display; Secondary battery cell; Leading-edge mobility; Next generation nuclear
energy; Leading edge bio; Aerospace and marine; Hydrogen; Cybersecurity; AI; Next generation
communications; Leading edge robotics and manufacture; and quantum;
3. Sub-Research Field
Please enter the sub-research field in the research proposal. This will enable us to allocate the application to the
most appropriate assessment panel.
4. Research Duration
The beginning of the joint research project is November 1, 2024.
Enter the estimated duration of the project in years. Additionally, indicate both the start and end dates of the
project, using the following format: MMDDYYYY.
5 Applicants Information
Enter all items in both the Korean Principal Investigator (KPI) and Swedish Principal Investigator (SPI)(s)
columns. Names should be in the following order: last name, first name. In the telephone column, enter both
the office and mobile phone numbers. You can adjust the formatting of the cover-sheet and charts as long as the
contents remain within the 1 page limit.
6. Budget Description
Enter the estimated annual budget and the total budget requested by KPI and SPI(s) for the entire project
period. The full duration of the award is three years. The maximum value of the award available from NRF is
200 Million KRW per year. The full duration of the award is three years
7. Authentication and Commitment
The proposal must be signed by both the KPI and the authorized representative of the host institution.
8. Summary of Project
Please provide a summary of your proposed project. Please briefly describe the objectives, research contents
and approach and explain the potential impact or wider benefits to society of your research. The summary
should not exceed one page.
B. Research Plan
For the evaluation of your application, please complete all parts of this section in full detail. Proposals should
be written in an informative yet concise manner in order to give the reviewers a good basis for a measured and
appropriate evaluation.
1. Research Background and Objectives of the Project
Please provide the research motivation and background pertaining to the project. This should encompass an
exploration of the national and international landscape, highlighting existing conditions, challenges, and
prospects relevant to the research initiative. Emphasize the necessity for collaborative international research
efforts and elucidate the specific areas where such collaboration is crucial. Illustrate the necessity for funding in
advancing this project and clearly articulate the objectives of the project. Please indicate the current state of
your preliminary work and point out in which areas you intend to make a unique, innovative, promising
2. Technical description of the project including research methodology
Please elaborate on the planned investigations and/or experiments, outlining the rationale behind the project.
Describe the proposed research methodologies that will be employed to achieve the specified aims,
emphasizing the strategic approach to advancing the work.
Explain the added value, or synergistic benefits, derived from fostering new collaborations with international
partners. Illuminate how these partnerships will enhance the project's overall impact and contribute to its
success. Provide insights into the data collection methods and any other pertinent aspects integral to the
3. Research Structure
Please establish an organizational structure for the project. Please give details of the organizational concept,
such as how and by whom the project will be organized; how the project participants will be integrated into the
With regard to the research structure addressed above, it should include the following items:
a. Framework of the Research Project
- Draw the structure of project teams and the division of roles between the KRI and SPI
b. Division of Roles
- The project should entail research activities that include significant and specific contributions (e.g.,
expertise, facilities, sites, data, different approaches/methods/models, educational opportunities, etc.)
between KPI and SPI. Applicants are encouraged to describe how the partnership will contribute to
producing synergies of the complementary expertise and further developing international collaboration
between Korea and Sweden.
c. Handling of research data
- If your project uses, generates and / or processes data, use this section to record key information on
handling of this data (and any underlying objects).
d. Others
4. Plan of the Work
Please give a detailed account of the steps planned during the proposed funding period. A research schedule
detailing all planned experiments and a plan to exchange researchers and information should be included.
Please specify how to carry out the project jointly and to share the research outputs. The quality of the work
program is critical to the success of a funding proposal. The tasks to be performed within the work program
should correspond to the funds requested. The work program should therefore indicate and justify what types of
funding will be needed and how the funds will be used, providing details on the individual items requested
where applicable.
5. Track Records and Research Capability of the KPI and SPI(s) and their teams
The academic research career of the KPI and SPI(s), and the participants in the project should be described
under this section.
Your proposal should include the following information about both the Korean and Swedish research teams:
a. Introduction of the expertise of KPI and SPI(s) in the proposed research field of work by citing a total of
ten (10) best publications, other achievements and the ongoing/completed national/international projects
during last five (5) years. (Do not exceed two (2) pages for each PI)
※ Please attach documentation to certify the above achievements. The attached files (PDF) are not counted
toward the page limit. (Do not exceed ten (10) pages for the attached files)
b. Number of participating researchers and research assistants who will be directly involved in the project
from both countries
c. Research facilities and equipment
d. Networking with national and international S&T communities (including a list of researchers with
whom you have agreed to collaborate on this project) (if any)
e. Collaboration with industries (if any)
f. Cultivation of researchers
g. Others
6. Expected impact and contributions to science and society
Please state how you expect the research results to contribute to society, industry and international S&T
communities. More specifically, describe in detail the expected outcomes, scientific importance and impact
from the project on research, training and teaching in your field. If your application concerns use-inspired
research, please indicate whether and to what extent the proposed project will have a broader impact and what
this impact will be. Explain how you will share these findings with stakeholders and the community. Address
the potential for knowledge transfer to industry (if applicable) and how you will share intellectual property
rights between KPI and SPI(s).
7. Budget Plan
Enter the estimated annual budget and the total budget requested for the entire project period.
Applicants should provide an overview of the proposed research budget and budget details for the project. For
Korean applicants, the principal cost includes direct costs, and indirect costs. Research equipment and materials
include the costs for equipment, materials & commodities and costs for pilot products. Research Activities can
include costs for organizing meetings, seminars, exchange of researchers, miscellaneous expenses, etc. Indirect
costs include overhead, intellectual property, etc. Indirect cost for Korean applicants is allocated within 5% of
the total budget. Please refer to the National Research and Development Innovation Act for more information.
All amounts must be given in KRW and SEK.
8. Ethical, Safety and regulatory issues
Please state whether the proposed research project raise ethical, safety or regulatory issues. If yes, please
describe how you deal with them.
9. Declaration from KPI and SPI(s)
Please state if you have submitted the identical proposal elsewhere and if so, please provide information in
detail. Otherwise, you must certify as follows:
“No funding proposal for this project has been made elsewhere. If any such proposal should be
submitted, NRF/SSF will be informed immediately.”
10, Other Information
Please include any other information, not described in this guideline, which may assist us in your evaluation.
11, Layout of Application Form
- Layout of the cover sheet and other pages is flexible
- The project proposal must not exceed a total of 20 pages including Cover Sheet, Summary and Research
plan. Contents exceeding 20 pages are excluded from the evaluation.
- Use 12-point Times New Romans type, printed on A4 paper with “1cm” margins all around.
- Use single-spacing between the sentences throughout the document.
- Number every page including tables, appendices, etc.
Application Form : Korea-Sweden Joint Research Program 2024 between NRF and SSF
Part I. General Information (Cover Sheet)
1. Project Title:
2. Research Field
3. Sub-Research
4. Research Duration
To(MM.DD.YYYY) ( Years)
5. Applicant Information
Korean Principal Investigator (KPI)
Swedish Principal Investigator (SPI)
Full Name
(in Korean, in English)
Gil dong, Hong
Full Name
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
6. Budget Description
Requested Budget by KPI
Requested Budget by SPI
Total budget
1st year(2024)
000 million KRW
1st year(2024)
000 million SEK
000 million KRW
000 million SEK
2nd year(2025)
000 million KRW
2nd year(2025)
000 million SEK
000 million KRW
000 million SEK
3rd year(2026)
000 million KRW
3rd year(2026)
000 million SEK
000 million KRW
000 million SEK
7. Authentication and Commitment
I am hereby aware that this proposal is submitted for consideration for inclusion in the Korea-Sweden Joint Research Program (K-SJRP). I will
faithfully observe and conduct research in accordance with the regulations of NRF.
Signature of the Korean Principal Investigator (KPI):
Name: signature: date: MM.DD. YYYY
Signature of the Head of the Korean Host Institution:
Name: signature: date: MM.DD. YYYY
8. Summary of Proposal
Research Contents and
Expected Research
1. Research Background and Objectives of the Project
a. Research Background
b. N
ecessity for international joint research
c. Objectives of the project
d. Others
2. Technical description of the project including research methodologies
3. Research structure
3.1. Research Framework
3.2. Division of Roles between Korean and Swedish research teams
Please indicate how you plan to divide the work among the two partners.
Responsibilities of Korean team
Responsibilities of Swedish team
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4. Plan of the Work
4.1. Research Schedule
Note : Please outline the activities planned by the KPI(Korean Principal Investigator) and SPI(s) (Swedish Principal
Investigator(s)) for the project. Each stage of the research should be defined within a specific time-frame; the concluding
date of each stage is called a "milestone." The conclusion of each stage should be marked by the production of an output.
Stage outputs must be deliverable, quantitative, or at least subject to judgment as proof of completion of stage activities.
Examples of such legitimate outputs are: a feasibility study report, the draft of a manuscript to be submitted to a journal,
etc. In addition to the text, the research schedule should be presented graphically in a Gantt chart. Explanatory notes
should be appended to the chart, explaining the nature of activities in each stage and its expected outputs. (This note may
be omitted in the proposal.)
0 3 6 9 12
4.2. Plans to exchange researchers and information; and to carry out the project jointly and share the research outputs.
4.3. Development and utilization of human resources
4.4. Others
5. Track Records and Research Capability of KPI and SPI(s) and Their Teams
※ Describe the expertise of the PIs in the proposed field of work by listing a total of ten (10) best scientific
publications, other achievements and research performance during last 5 years. Do not exceed two pages A4 size
for each PI.
5.1. Research Outputs of the KPI (key achievements for the last five years)
a) Publications in international journals
(ISSN No.)
Coresponding Author
Note: Please write the KPI’s name in bold letters. (This Note may be omitted in the proposal.)
b) Other achievements (Patents, Awards, Books, etc.)
c) Research performance (Career) of the KPI
Project Title
Total No. of
Funding Organization
Start Date
Program Title
End Date
Note: (This Note may be omitted in the proposal.)
1) The role of code is divided into four categories: PI(1), Co-PI(2), Researcher(3), Others(4)
2) Enter the start and end dates using the following format: MMDDYYYY to MMDDYYYY
3) Provide information on the research performance(career) of the KPI and his/her key achievements for the last
five years
d) Others (number of participating researchers and research assistants, research facilities and equipment,
networking with national and international S&T communities (if any), collaboration with industries (if
any), cultivation of researchers, etc.)
5.2. Research Outputs of the SPI(s) (key achievements for the last five years)
a) Publications in international journals
(ISSN No.)
Coresponding Author
Note: Please write the SPI’s name in bold letters. (This Note may be omitted in the proposal.)
b) Other achievements (Patents, Awards, Books, etc.)
c) Research performance (Career) of the SPI(s)
Project Title
Total No. of
Funding Organization
Start Date
Program Title
End Date
Note: (This Note may be omitted in the proposal.)
1) The role of code is divided into four categories: PI(1), Co-PI(2), Researcher(3), Others(4)
2) Enter the start and end dates using the following format: MMDDYYYY to MMDDYYYY
3) Provide information on the research performance(career) of the SPI and his/her key achievements for the last
five years
d) Others (Number of participating researchers and research assistants, research facilities and equipment,
networking with national and international S&T communities (if any), collaboration with industries (if
any), cultivation of researchers, etc.)
6. Expected Impact and Contributions to Science and Society
a. Expected research results leading to follow-up studies
b. Expected research results contributing to the promotion and activation of knowledge in the relevant research field
c. Expected research results which have ripple effects on industrial and social aspects
d. Contribution to the development of Global science and technology
e. Plan to distribute and utilize research outcomes, IPR, if any.
f. Others
7. Budget Plan
7.1. Budget plan (Project Cost)– Korean side
(1,000 KRW)
1st Financial Year
2nd Financial year
3rd Financial Year
Research Equipment and
Research Activities
(including mobility costs)
Research Allowances
Indirect Costs
7.2. Budget plan (Project Cost)– Swedish side
(1,000 SEK)
1st Financial Year
2nd Financial year
3rd Financial Year
Equipment up to SEK
10,000, Software and
Swedish scientists to
Korean scientists to
Swedish Scientists to
Korean Scientists to
Expenses for Laboratory
Other Costs
Project-related Publication
Please quantified list out consumable items
Full justification should be given for each budget head
Please note that failing to provide quantified list of consumables and full justification, the support for
consumables would not be considered by the Joint Evaluation Committee.
8. Ethical, safety and regulatory issues
Does your proposed work raise ethical, safety or regulatory issues? If yes, how will you deal with them?
Please indicate whether the proposed research includes:
Korea (yes/no)
Sweden (yes/no)
Research on humans
Research on human embryonic stem cells
Research on animals
Research on GMO or pathogens
9. Declaration from KPI and SPI(s)
10. Others