Instructions (Remove upon submission)
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[Format] Additional Supporting Documents
[List of Supporting Documents]
o n
Enclosed.1 Eligibility Confirmation Form
Enclsed.2 Consent for Providing and
Pledge for Research Ethics
and Tax Informatio
○ After preparing additional stpporting doctments, organize them in the order of the list
ntmiers into a single PDF file for stimission.
○ Indicate stimission statts (Y/N) for each doctment.
○ Omission of the main research institttion's seal is permissiile (stistittte with electronic
approval of the main institttion via the IRIS stimission system).
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Eligibility Confirmation Form
Project Title 2024 Korea-EU Cooperation Promotion Project
R&D project
Main R&D
Total Research
Please review and check (l) the applicable confirmation boxes belowy as
discrepancies will result in the invalidation of the application. If inaccurate information
leads to the selection of a tasky the selection may be canceled. Ensure accuracy
your responses.
Confirmation Items
<Participation Restrictions in National R&D Projects>
l If the principal investigator or participating researcher has any
restrictions on participation in R&D projects according to national
research support institutionsy is this restriction completely lifted as
of one day before the application deadline for this project? (If
applicabley mark 'Yes').
<Project Differentiation>
l Is the new project supported by this program different from projects
that have been promoted or are being promoted as national R&D
projects (including those from other ministries)?
<Principal Investigator Qualification>
Are you preparing to form a consortium (including Koreay three or
more countries) with the
related to
Horizon Europe
applicationy or are you preparing a proposal?
l Is this application task at a stage prior to the EU side (Horizon
Europe) application submission deadline?
En.1 Eligibility Confirmation Form
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(If themainy jointy or entrusted research anddevelopment
institutionisacompany) Confirmation of Default andInsolvency Risk
① As of the application deadliney is the main research and development
institutiony joint research and development institutiony entrusted
research and development institutiony or participating company in a state
of bankruptcy?
② As of the application deadliney is there any delinquent disposition of
national or local taxes? (Howevery companies that have
received re-startup funds through the Small and Medium Business
Corporation and the Credit Recovery Committee (Re-Startup Support
Committee)y and companies that have received re-challenge business
owner recovery support guarantees from the Credit Guarantee Fund
and Technology Credit Guarantee Fund are exceptions).
③ As of the application deadliney is there any default under the Civil
Execution Act or by a credit information concentration agency?
(Howevery companies that have received re-startup funds through the
Small and Medium Business Corporation and the Credit Recovery
Committee (Re-Startup Support Committee)y and companies that have
received re-challenge business owner recovery support guarantees from
the Credit Guarantee Fund and Technology Credit Guarantee Fund are
④ As of the application deadliney has a bankruptcyy rehabilitation
procedurey or personal rehabilitation procedure been initiated?
(Howevery if the debt repayment is being performed normally according
to the rehabilitation plan or repayment plan approved by the courty or if
the company has received re-startup funds through the Small and
Medium Business Corporation and the Credit Recovery Committee (Re-
Startup Support Committee)y and has received re-challenge business
owner recovery support guarantees from the Credit Guarantee Fund and
Technology Credit Guarantee Fundy it is an exception).
⑤ As of the application deadliney is the companyy which has been in
business for more than 3 years or more since the start of business
or the establishment of the corporationy and has a debt ratio of
500%* or more (excluding debts due to angel investmentsy etc.) on the
financial statements of the last 2 years in successiony or is the current
ratio continuously 50% or less? (Howevery companies with a
comprehensive credit rating of 'BBB' or highery or foreign-invested
companies with a foreign investment ratio of 50% or more under the
Foreign Investment Promotion Acty and less than 5 years since the
establishment date are exceptions).
⑥ As of the application deadliney is the company in a state of total
capital erosion based on the latest settlement?
⑦ As of the application deadliney for external audit companiesy is the audit
opinion for the recent fiscal year a 'disclaimer of opinion' or 'adverse
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The principal investigator hereby confirms that there are no disqualifications related to the
above items and pledges that if any discrepancies are foundy there will be no objection to the cancellation of the
application or selection and the recovery of research funds and sanctions in accordance with the regulations on the
management of national R&D projects [cancellation of the agreement].
Principal Investigator:
Head of main Research Institution : (Institution name)
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1. Consent for Providing and Utilizing Personal and Tax
Project Title
2024 Korea-EU Cooperation Promotion Project
R&D project
Total Research
The undersigned and participating personnel understand that the Korea Research
Foundation (KRF) needs to utilize personal information related to educationy
careery and research achievements for the reviewy evaluationy and agreements of
research support projects by the Ministry of Science and ICT. Accordinglyy the
undersigned agrees to provide various information protected under the Personal
Information Protection Acty Article 18y and the Framework Act on National Taxesy
Article 81-13 to the KRF.
① Purpose of Collection and Use
a. Administrative matters related to project selection: Verification of eligibility for research
and development task evaluators (exclusiony avoidance)y participation restrictionsy
defaulty limits on the number of tasks per persony and other pre-support exclusion
verification procedures.
b. Administrative matters related to the conclusion and modification of agreements
and the evaluation of research and development outcomes.
c. Administrative matters related to the settlement of research and development expenses:
Management of the legality and appropriateness of the payment and use of
research and development expenses.
d. Administrative matters related to restrictions on participation in national research and
development projectsy recovery of research and development expensesy and
imposition of additional penalties.
e. Administrative matters related to the collection and management of royalties.
f. Administrative matters related to the verification and handling of research misconduct.
g. Administrative matters related to tracking and managing research outcomes.
② Personal and Tax Information to be Collected and Used
1. Name (English name)y gendery date of birthy Science and Technology Personnel
Registration Number (National Researcher Number)y telephone numbery mobile phone
numbery workplace addressy home addressy emaily fax numbery education (schooly
degreey research fieldy etc.)y career (periody positiony etc.)y patent/program
En.2 Consent for Providing and Utilizing Personal and Tax
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and registration performancey research paper publication performancey
government-funded project performancey overall budget allocation rate for currently
ongoing government-funded projectsy payment standard information (annual salaryy
monthly receivable amounty etc.)y credit card and financial transaction details for
research and development expense expenditurey credit information to verify financial
soundnessy tax information to verify the legality of research and development
expense usage (only tax information necessary for research and development
expense review)y etc.
2. The undersigned agrees that the KRF may retain personal and tax information from
the time this consent form is completed until the purpose of collection and use
is terminated (in the case of participation restrictionsy up to 5 years).
3. The undersigned also agrees that additional participation restriction information provided
during the project performance processy along with the information mentioned in
Article 1y may be provided to the heads of central administrative agencies or related
institutions according to relevant laws such as the Basic Science and Technology
Acty Articles 11-2(2)y (3)y (4)y the National Research and Development Innovation Acty
Articles 13(6)y 19y and the Framework Act on National Taxesy Article 81-13(1)(7).
4. The undersigned confirms that they have the right to refuse the collection of the above
personal and tax informationy and that refusing to provide consent may result in
exclusion from the research personnel list or unfavorable evaluation during the project
review process.
The undersigned acknowledges that copies of the consent form signed or sealed by the
undersigned (including participating researchers and research assistants) are valid as
originals for the convenience of collecting various materials necessary for review and
Pledge for Research Ethics Compliance
Iy the undersignedy hereby pledge to make every effort to achieve the research
project goals and to conduct the research according to the procedures and methods
stipulated by relevant regulations and guidelines. I commit to faithfully adhering to the
Efforts to prevent misconduct (fabricationy falsificationy plagiarismy etc.) in the research
process in accordance with the National Research and Development Innovation Act.
Familiarization and compliance with regulations related to the use of research funds.
Proper documentation and management of research notes.
Compliance with relevant laws during human subject research as per the Bioethics
and Safety Act.
Compliance with relevant laws during animal experiments as per the Animal Protection
Act. Adherence to other laws and regulations related to research and development.
Participation in (for participating researchers) and support for (for principal
investigators) education for proper research conduct.
Research notes education by the Korea Intellectual Property Strategy Agency (KISTA).
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Research ethics and research fund management education by the National Institute of
Science and Technology Human Resources Development (KIRD).
Furthermorey I pledge to use the research fundsy including personnel expensesy in
accordance with relevant regulations. I acknowledge that using the funds for purposes
other than research and development may result in administrative actions such as
restrictions on research participationy recovery of research fundsy and imposition of
additional penalties. I also recognize that such misuse may lead to legal actionsy including
prosecution under Article 437 (Fraud) and Article 356 (Embezzlement and Breach of
in Business) of the Criminal Act.
Date of
(Corporate name
ᆞ Trade name)