Writer AdministratorDate Created 2023.10.05Hits478
Dear Students,
We would like to invite you to the Fall 2023 Internship PanelEvent scheduled on Wednesday, October 11 (12:10pm - 1:30pm) at SUNY Korea Building C105.
In this event, four SUNY Korea students will share their internship experiences in various companies. They will not only provide insights that they gained while working as an intern, but also share their useful tips for internship search, application process, and how they plan to use the experience towards their career preparation.
Please find below for more details of the event.
Event: Fall 2023 Internship Panel Event
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Time:12:10 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: C105
RSVP Link(RSVPby Tuesday, October 10, 5pm)*In the RSVP form, you can send us questions that you want to ask to the speakers.
Student Speaker List:
[AMS] Eunbin Cho (SeeAnn Solution- software & 3D modeling manufacturing company)
[CS] Minjun Kim(d2 Engineering- engineering company, THE COMPANY- software development company, SOOBAK- fashion, textile, and other specialized design industry , To Be Done- language institute)
[FBM] Jennifer Christiana(Gingerline Curated- thrift & consignment store, Lee Seung Jin Wedding- designer's brand, Voda- designer's brand, by Sophie- fashion & beauty company)
[TSM] Christian Choi(Pala- software development company)
*Light refreshments will be provided to all participants during the event*
We hope many students take this meaningful opportunity to learn about your colleagues' interns