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Professor Suil O Selected as Recipient of NRF-NSFC Core Cooperation Prgram
Professor Suil O has been selected as a recipient of the NRF-NSFC core cooperation program (National Research Foundation of Korea and National Natural Science Foundation of China), funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT. He will serve as the Co-Principal Investigator for the research project “Algebraic and structural problems of graphs on surfaces” for 3 years (2021.12.01~2024.11.30).
Hits 22959
DTS Online Forum on ICT for (Sustainable) Development
This is a great opportunity to interact with six DTS professors who teach and research in the area of ICT4D. - Event: DTS Online Forum on ICT for (Sustainable) Development - Speaker: Dr. Sangchan Park, Dr. James Larson, Dr. Suzana Brown, Dr. Sira Mariphol, Dr. Jinsang Lee, and Dr. Mark Whitaker - Date: November 8th (Mon), 2021 - Time: 5 PM - 6:20 PM - Venue: Online Zoom @ https://stonybrook.zoom.us/j/96862266374?pwd=MTloSi8rS0FMTm1RcmlwOGxhSGVSUT09 - - Meeting ID: 968 6226 6374 - Passcode: 120872
Hits 20929
MEC Professor Gun Woong Bahng Investigates the World's First Approach to Generate Hydrogen Gas Using Underwater Plasma Generation Technology
MEC Leading Professor Gun Woong Bahng has been selected by the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (under the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy) Industrial Technology Alchemist Technology Project, to investigate a novel method of CO2 free production of hydrogen gas using renewable energy. Currently, commercially available hydrogen gas production methods, which supply 95 % of the hydrogen gas demand worldwide, are based on steam reforming of natural gas, partial oxidation of methane, and coal gasification. However, the amount of CO2 generated during the steam reforming process is practically the same as that generated when fossil fuel is used directly as an energy source. As a consequence, a new technology to generate hydrogen gas without using fossil fuel is required if hydrogen is to become an environmentally desirable energy source. Professor Bahng and his team will investigate a new method to produce hydrogen gas using renewable energy instead of fossil fuel. This technology is based on the thermal decomposition of water molecules by the underwater plasma generated by cavitation. This is the world's first approach to generate hydrogen gas using underwater plasma generation technology. The project is conducted with the participation of Hanyang University (ERICA Campus) and K-Fusion Technology Co., Ltd.
Hits 23323
SUNY Korea Computing Society held another Quiz Night for Spring 2018
Prof. McKenna again took the lead for another fun Quiz Night as a SUNY Korea Computing Society (SKCS) event. It has become an annual event now. He organized a Quiz Night as the inaugural SKCS event in October of 2017. He said: We'll be having fun as well as trying to get this group off the ground. Note that back in Stony Brook there is a similar group called the Stony Brook Computing Society (SBCS) that has been around for many years and has thousands of members in industry. Students help students, alumni help students, alumni help alumni, and faculty help all, of course. Details about the inaugural event can be found here.
Hits 19419
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