Search results for ‘Geo122’, 97 cases
Internship at EAAFP_IT & Web Specialist (**English)
The East Asian?Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) is an informal and voluntary Partnership that serves as the key ...
Internship at EAAFP(**English)
EAAFP Internship programme Position: Programme Assistant/??Administrative&Finance Assistant/ IT Assistant The East Asia...
FIT-Adjunct Faculty Position for Teaching MA 142: Geometry and the Art…
ematics instructor with a background in geometry. Teaching responsibilities include a course entitled “Geometry and the Art of Design”. This is a liberal arts m...
Seoul Career Vision 2018 at COEX
032074745&n_keyword_id=nkw-a001-01-000001224453736&n_keyword=2018JOBFAIR&n_campaign_type=1 ?...
Vortex-Body Interactions and Its Applications to Aerodynamics and Geophysical Flows
Speaker :?Sung Ik Sohn, Wonju University Place :?B203 Academic Building ? In this talk, we present recent development o...
Some interesting Algorithms
Speaker :?Kazem Mahdavi Place :?B204 Academic Building The word ‘Algorithm’ is Latinized of Al- Khwarizmi. Mu?ammad ibn...
From Mathematics to Art via Computer Science
? SUNY Korea, May 21, 2013 On Tuesday, George Hart gave a feast for both eyes and brains to an awed crowd of faculty and students. He presented and discussed e...
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