Search results for ‘office’, 323 cases
Research on the development policy and support of domestic and foreign enterprises (국내·외 기업 육성정책 및 지원사업 조사 연구)
005981&bidseq=00&releaseYn=Y&taskClCd=5 Office Name: Korea research institute for defense technology planning and advancement? Agency Name:?- Category of Fundin...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[IITP] Research on the effectiveness and trend survey of PIM AI semiconductor Business Operations ?(PIM인공지능반도체 사업운영 효과분석 및 동향조사 연구)
927008&bidseq=00&releaseYn=Y&taskClCd=5 Office Name: Ministry of Science and ICT Agency Name: IITP (Institute of Information & Communications Techonlogy Plannin...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[NHI] Development of the AI Education Curriculum (인공지능 활용 교육 커리큘럼 개발 연구용역)
000976&bidseq=00&releaseYn=Y&taskClCd=5 Office Name: - Agency Name: NHI National Human Resources Development Institute Category of Funding Activity: AI, Educati...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Ministry of Science and ICT] AI Data-Based Social Problem Solving R&BD Support Project (2023년 AI 데이터기반 사회문제해결 R&BD 지원사업)
_0101/02/ Office Name: Ministry of Science and ICT Agency Name: Innopolis (연구개발특구진흥재단) Category of Funding Activity: Social, AI Ex...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[KRIT] '23-2nd 'Fostering global defense sector business' project '23-2차 「글로벌 방위산업 강소기업 육성사업」 과제 및 주관기업 모집 공고 Office Name: Korea research institute for defense technology planning and advancement? Agency Name: - Category of Fundin...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Ministry of Science and ICT] 2023 Space Challenge Project (Space Launch Vehicle Science Complex) (2023년도 스페이스챌린지사업(우주발사체 사이언스 콤플렉스) 신규과제 공모)
eFro=2023/09/21&chngRcveDeTo=2023/10/16 Office Name: Ministry of Science and ICT Agency Name: National Research Foundation of Korea Category of Funding Activity...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[National Research Foundation] Future defense innovation technology development project (미래국방혁신기술개발사업 신규과제 공모)
&search_type=NTS_TITLE&search_keyword1= Office Name:?National Research Foundation Research topic:? Design and synthesis of polymer binder for composite explosiv...
News & Notices > Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunity at UNPOG
anized by?UNPOG (United Nations Project Office on Governance)?in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) and Incheon Metropolitan City...
News > Notice
Career Concert hosted by the Michuhol-gu Office of Incheon on September 20, 2023
which will be hosted by the Michuhol-gu Office of Incheon. ? The Career Concert is a unique event where ten mentors from various industries will share their inv...
News > Notice
[Ministry of Environment] Aerial observation of particles through stereoscopic observation (입체관측을 통한 유기미세입자 및 주요 2차 입자상 물질의 국가 간 이동파악을 위한 항공관측)
901744&bidseq=00&releaseYn=Y&taskClCd=5 Office Name: Ministry of Environment Agency Name: National Institute of Environmental Research Category of Funding Activ...
News & Notices > Opportunities