Search results for ‘Part’, 1,125 cases
College Mentor (Volunteers) Recruitment (**Korean)
-2 time(s) a month) 월 1-2회 아웃리치 행사 보조 - Participate volunteers training (mandatory) on May 24 자원봉사자 양성교육 참가 필수: 5/24 (목) 13:00-17:30, 강서구청소년상담복지센터 교육실 - Provide...
BMS Lecture Series: Ayaan Adam
? On May 9th, 2018, BUS Department had a special guest speaker from Green Climate Funds, Ayaan Adam. She is the Director of the Private Sector Fac...
News & Events > Notice
FIT-Adjunct Faculty Position for Teaching MA 142: Geometry and the Art…
The Fashion Institute of Technology, a part of the State University of New York, has been a leader in career education in art, design, business, and technology...
BMS Lecture Series: Guest Speaker Jolly V
? On May 2nd, 2018, BUS Department had a special guest speaker for BMS series,?Jolly V the Rapper.? She spoke about her life and how Hip-Hop chang...
News & Events > Notice
Job Opening Announcement
d data ? ? ? ? Academic 0 -Supporting department faculty - Provide academic advising?to department students -Manage department's class schedule and Teaching Ass...
Internship at A-WEB(**Korean)
nduct of a free, fair, transparent, and participatory elections around the world. 1. 5~11월 상시 영어 능통자 1명 2. 6~7월(2개월) 스페인어 능통자 1명 3. 7~8월(2개월) 러시아어 능통자 1명 4. 9~1...
"Retro" FUN Fashion Show
OPEN CALL for design teams?to participate in the fun 'Retro' fashion show! Dear?SUNY?Korea Community, ? As part of the Spring Festival being held on?F...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
BMS Lecture Series: Research Professor, Chihmao Hsieh
Wednesday, April 18th, 2018, Business Department held its first BMS (Beautiful Minded Speaker) Series. We had Professor Hsieh talk to us about his research abou...
News & Events > Notice
2018 Spring SUNY Fashionista Contest
orea Fashionista on campus!? ? ? How to participate? Submit a picture of yourself following information?with the month's theme to? - Nam...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Design Thinking Seminar you want to participate this seminar. ?