Search results for ‘12’, 436 cases
[Staff Job Opening] Finance Team_Intern
a SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university system in Incheon, South Korea. In 2012, Stony Brook University (SBU), which is a pr...
[Mar.13, 2024] Government Science & Technology R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
업(양자-캐나다) 공고 접수 및 안내 2024.02.21 2024.06.12 [과학기술정보통신부] 2024년 글로벌 현지화·마케팅 진출지원 사업 공고 2024.02.23 2024.03.25 [산업통상자원부] 2024년도 산업기술알키미스트프로젝트사업 신규지원대상과제 공고_(2024)202...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Mar.12, 2024] Government Science & Technology R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
ool / Brain Pool+)??2024년도 신규과제 공고 2023.12.29 2024.05.31 [산업통상자원부] 2024년도 제1차 에너지기술개발사업 신규지원대상 연구개발과제 공고_(2024)24년 1차 에너지기술개발사업 신규 공고(연구개발계획서) 2024.03.07 2024.0...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Notice of Re-tender (재공고입찰)] PCs and Peripheral Devices Purchase (A313 Computer Lab) / PC및 주변기기 구매 (A313 컴퓨터랩)
입찰공고 입찰 등록마감 개찰 일시 일 시 2024.3.7.(목) ~ 3.12.(화) 2024.3.12.(화) 15:00까지 2024.3.13.(수) 10:00 내 용 학교 홈페이지 공고 강의연구동A418호 (인사총무팀) 강의연구동 A501호 ?? ?????※ 일정은 사정에 따라 변경될 ...
Public Notice on Tendering > Public Notice on Tendering
2024 Summer World Federation of UN Association (WFUNA) Student Delegation Program in NYC
ns Headquarters in New York from?August 12 to 16, 2024?and partially cover the participation fee.? If you are interested, read the information below.? ? ?? Posi...
Career Experience Program at the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
ing those who graduated within the last 12 months) ? - No prior participation in any of the past programs hosted?by GGGI ? - (Preferred) English proficiency tes...
[Mar.05, 2024] Government R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
부] 미래신시장 창출 판기술 프로그램 2024.02.13 2024.03.12 [중소벤처기업부] 2024년도 창업성장기술개발사업 디딤돌(도약_일반) 과제 제1차 시행계획 공고_(2024)창업성장 디딤돌(도약일반_원전R&D) 2024.03.04 2024.03.18 [중소벤처기업부] 2024...
News & Notices > Opportunities
3rd Korea-China Young Scholar's Symposium on Discrete Mathematics
??Bo Ning at Nankai University 11:30 - 12:00? ? ? Eunkyoung Cho at Hanyang University 12:00 - 14:00? ? ? Lunch 14:00 - 14:40? ? ??Hong Liu at IBS 14:40 - 15:10...
[NRF] Korea-UK Joint Research Project 2024
5 18:00 Estimated Total Program Funding 120 Million KRW Inquiry 02-02-3460-5723 / +44 20 7451 2666(Royal Society, Grant Team)...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Staff Job Opening] SBU Academic Team_AMS Dept. Coordinator
a SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university system in Incheon, South Korea. In 2012, Stony Brook University (SBU), which is a pr...