Search results for ‘ff161’, 1,236 cases
#1 Charis from Ghana
unique advantage.? How did SUNY Korea affect your life?? In my team, I am the only foreigner; I'm the only international person… But because of my ability to i...
News > Newsroom
Vortex-Body Interactions and Its Applications to Aerodynamics and Geophysical Flows
stream. The polar jet stream strongly affects weather and aviations, and the understanding of its stability is highly important. We describe the jet stream by ...
Vision of Blockchain (DLT) and Cryptocurrency
m; Understanding the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) vs. IPO vs. VC/Angel investment and crowdfunding. What exactly is blockchain/hyper ledger technology; Use cases...
SUNY Korea Computing Society Starts Off with a Quiz Night
un as well as trying to get this group off the ground. Note that back in Stony Brook there is a similar group called the Stony Brook Computing Society (SBCS) th...
News & Events > News Highlights
The Card Game SET and the Mathematics Behind It
and?enjoyment. I have a set game in my office and I encourage you to stop by and play.?...
Game Theory
for joy or in decision making in many different setting. Formal Game Theory began in 1944 with the Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, by John Von Neumann an...
Coupling of Front Tracking Method with PDE for Computational Fluid dynamics
vement of discontinuities between two different materials or subdomains. It was first introduced by Richtmyer and Morton to solve one dimensional partial differ...
Math in Music
for the 12-TET, it would require much effort and time to modify them for a new music system. However, it is possible to develop new music systems using present...
CS Junior Faculty Win Prestigious Young Researcher Program Grants
ibuted microgrids to provide even more efficient, reliable, secure, and user-friendly smart grid. He aims to build user-centered dynamic microgrids while coping...
News & Events > News Highlights
SUNY Korea was recognized as an NVIDIA GPU Research Center
nsisting of thousands of smaller, more efficient cores designed for handling multiple tasks simultaneously. One application that uses GPU-technology at SUNY Kor...
News & Events > News Highlights