Search results for ‘Korea’, 1,433 cases
Recruitment: Spring 2019 NSWW Orientation Leaders
Dear Students, SUNY Korea is getting ready to meet a cohort of newly joining students at SUNY Korea in?2019?Spring?semester with the support...
UNESCAP Job Opportunity (2~6 months)
e information. This opening is only for Korean Nationality students. ? Qualification:?Undergraduate school seniors (expecting graduation within 1 year) or gradu...
Human Resources & Operations, Academic, Assistant to the Vice Presiden…
lifications ? ?1)?Fluent in English and Korean (both speaking and writing) ???2) AICPA-certified applicants are preferred for Academic Team and Human Resources ...
Finevo Company (Gangnam) Job Openings
the position, please send your resume (Korean or English) directly to: ? -?Brian Kim, CSO? ? Company Description: Finevo develops the next gen...
UNISDR Internship Opportunity (3-6 months)
formation. This job opening is only for?Korean students.? ? 1.?UNISDR?(유엔 재해경감 국제전략 동북아사무소) - Full time (8 hours shift) ? - Work Period: 3 ~ 6 months?? ? - Job ...
GCF Internship Opportunity (6 months)
formation. This job opening is only for?Korean students.? ? 1.?GCF?(녹색기후기금 사무국) - Attending a 4-year university or on leave? - Full time (8 hours shift) *Part t...
World Health Organization (WHO) Internship Opportunity (3 Weeks)
ent for more details. This job requires?Korean fluency.? 1.?일??시?:?12월?24일(월) ~ 1월?15일(화) /?(약?3주) ? 2.?장??소?:?용인병원 내?WHO?센터 ? 3.?인턴쉽 지원비용?:?50만원/3주 ? 4.?제출 서류?...
SUNY Korea Computing Society held another Quiz Night for Spring 2018
ad for another fun Quiz Night as a SUNY Korea Computing Society (SKCS) event. It has become an annual event now. He organized a Quiz Night as the inaugural SKCS...
News & Events > News Highlights
UNPOG Internship Opportunity (3-6 months)
:?G Tower, Songdo,?Incheon, Republic of Korea - Requirements (must meet one of the following):? a) Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university...
2018-19 Winter Internship at Incheon International Airport
ain experience. ? Qualifications1. SUNY Korea students only - matriculated2. Fluent in English and Korean3. Hard working and responsible ? Working Conditions 1....