Search results for ‘SUNY’, 1,403 cases
Research Support, Admissions
ay vary based on applicant's career and SUNY Korea salary regulation (Four basic insurance) ? ? 6. How to Apply : Submit your English and Korean resume and cove...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
ay vary based on applicant's career and SUNY Korea salary regulation (Four basic insurance) ? ? 6. Application Method a. Completion of the Resume Builder on the...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
External Relations, Strategic Planning, HR, General Affairs, IT, Resid…
ay vary based on applicant's career and SUNY Korea salary regulation? (Four basic insurance) ? ? 6. Application Method a. Completion of the Resume Builder on th...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
Admissions, IT, Web Designer/ Web Master and etc.
ary based on applicant's experience and SUNY Korea salary regulation? (Four basic insurance) ? ? 6. HOW TO APPLY - Upload English and Korean resume and cover le...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
Intern at UNDP/GEF YSLME (**Korean)
첨부파일?참조) ? ? 영문?이력서와?커버레터를?로?3월20일?18:00까지?보내주시기?바랍니다....
News > Notice 2018-03-14
Bill Hwang Library Naming Ceremony
On February 8, SUNY Korea (President ChoonHo Kim) celebrated its new opening ceremony of Bill Hwang Library, in honor of Mr. Bill Hwang...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-14
#4 Vasundhara from India
vity.” Vasundhara Dehiya graduated from SUNY Korea with a master’s degree in Computer Science.After the graduation, she started working at a startup company cal...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-13
#3 Sanju from Sri Lanka
nological Systems Management program at SUNY Korea. Sanju said he would have never experienced the things he had if he didn't come to SUNY Korea. After the grad...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-13
#2 MinJoon from Korea
Kim; I’m one of the first graduates of SUNY Korea…? At SUNY Korea, I was able to learn how to embrace the differences through my friends from all over the worl...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-13
#1 Charis from Ghana
stems Management, is a proud alumnus of SUNY Korea. He flew all the way from Ghana with his dream to give back to his people what he learned in Korea.? During h...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-13