Search results for ‘12th’, 2,152 cases
16. Which engineering field is better: Technology and Society or Mechanical Engineering?
build machines, mechanical devices, and the like. Technology and Society engineers are concerned with the interaction of engineering with the society....
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17. How many calculus courses will I need to take for the undergraduate program in mechanical engineering?
ake a five-course sequence in calculus. The courses are taken at SUNY Korea.
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18. Do we have industrial training during the course of our program in mechanical engineering at SUNY Korea?
Not explicitly. However, there are many exposures to mechanical engineering labs and machine shops during the course of the program. Moreover, st...
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19. What is this capstone design courses that I hear about in the mechanical engineering curriculum?
These are courses that require all students to go through the four major stages of mechanical design (requirement specif...
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22. What are rotating faculty members in SUNY Korea?
These are Stony Brook faculty or faculty from other institutions who come to SUNY Korea to teach for a semester or two.
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23. Are there distance learning courses at SUNY Korea?
Most of the courses at SUNY Korea are taught on site.
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24. Do I need to submit TOEFL scores for admission to SUNY Korea mechanical engineering?
All applicants to SUNY Korea must prove their English proficiency. The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Te...
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25. What about SAT?
AT is required for all students who did their high school in the United States. It is optional for other students. However, some students boost their credential...
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26. Do I need to speak Korean to attend SUNY Korea?
No. The language of instruction at SUNY Korea is English.
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27. What is the SUNY Korea Intensive English Center (IEC)?
This center caters to the needs of students who do not have the English to undertake a course of study at SUNY Korea. Yo...
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