Search results for ‘12th’, 2,152 cases
[재입찰공고] 인천경제자유구역청 혁신생태계 조성사업의 물류 혁신 클러스터 조성을 위한 물류기업 및 현장 수요조사 용역
찰참가자격 ??가.?「국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률 시행령」 제12조 및 같은 법 시행규칙 제14조에 결격사유가 없는 업체 나.?「국가종합전자조달시스템 입찰참가자격등록규정」에 의하여 반드시 나라장터(G2B)에?입찰서 제출마감일 전일까지?학술·연구용역(업종코드?: 1169)?업종...
Public Notice on Tendering > Public Notice on Tendering
more SUNY Korea FIT Graduating Students AAS Exhibition
ng students had an Opening Ceremony for their AAS (Associate in Applied Science) exhibition on June 11th?.?The graduating student exhibition features the works ...
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Dr. Chihmao Hsieh’s contribution to the Maeil Business Newspaper
Can a Focus on Empathy and Trust Guide Our Taste in Choosing the Right Problems to Solve? ? Written by Chihmao Hsieh? ? In his inauguration...
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FIT Fashion Show at the Songdo Hyundai Premium Outlet
SUNY Korea FIT had a fashion show at the Songdo Hyundai Premium Outlet on June 5th. With “Nostalgia” as the theme, the show demonstrated the works of FIT Fas...
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Research paper by DTS students published in an academic journal
Index), published on a quarterly basis. The paper was an outcome from their study in a course, EST 441 Interdisciplinary Senior Project, Fall 2020.? ? ? In the ...
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Adjunct Faculty Position in Meteorology
in Korea. Since its establishment in 2012, SUNY Korea has made tremendous progress both in its quantity and quality of education. SUNY Korea, as an extension c...
President Brown on Anti-Asian Violence
c and violence. It deeply saddens me to think about the number of statements I have issued over the years condemning hate speech?speech that incites the ugly in...
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Blush Magazine Wins Pacemaker Award for Second Year in a Row
sh,?has won a?2020 Pacemaker Award?from the Associated Collegiate Press for the second year in a row. The Pacemaker, considered the “Pulitzer Prize of collegiat...
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FIT’s First Online Interactive Fashion Event Launches April 6 with Mad…
its investment in experiential learning through the launch of DTech Live,?a series of interactive events powered by Bambuser,?that will connect designers direct...
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With the Oscar-Nominated Minari, Stacy Suvino ’08 Continues to Realize…
April 16, 2021 ? ? In the Oscar-nominated film?Minari, a family of working-class Korean immigrants moves to rural Arkansas. The props that con...
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