Search results for ‘12th’, 2,150 cases
Full-Time Faculty Position - Program in Academic English (PAE)
in Korea. Since its establishment in 2012, SUNY Korea has made tremendous progress both in its quantity and quality of education. SUNY Korea, as an extension c...
2021 SUNY Korea Information Session
Language ? 1st ? April 24 (Sat) 10:00 ? 12:30 ? English ? 2nd ? April 24 (Sat) 14:30 ? 17:00 ? Korean ? 3rd ? June 5 (Sat) 10:00 ? 12:30 ? 4th ? June 5 (Sat) 14...
News > News Center
SUNY Korea Virtual Preview Week Spring 2021
ike to extend our invitation to you for the SUNY Korea Virtual Preview Week Spring 2021.You will be able to learn about the Stony Brook University and FIT Progr...
News > News Center
Updates on IGC Housing Check-In Dates (April 2 - 3 & April 23)
l 23(Fri) Check-In Office Hours: 10 AM- 12 PM, 1 PM - 5 PM Only resident students can enter the housing building?to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 2. Refund Po...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Admissions Team Intern
iption ? Admissions Team ? 0 ? - Deal with admission inquiries by providing admission counseling services, guidance,?and administrative support to prospective s...
Class format beyond April 2, 2021
hope you are all having a safe and healthy semester while enjoying your classes. ? ? Earlier in February we announced our plan for Spring classes as you can se...
News > News Center
Establishment of ECE Department and Increase of FIT Student Quota
Korea Stony Brook will newly introduce the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (B.E., M.S., and Ph.D.) from Spring 2022 within the existing total...
News > News Center
Human Resources & Operations Team Intern
? ? ? - providing support for events of the University/external organizations ? ? ? ? - providing campus tours ? ? ? ? - managing interior and exterior signs of...
[RA Event] League of Legends Tournament (Application Deadline: Friday,…
? Dear Students, ? The Residential College Team and Resident Assistants will be hosting a League of Legends tournament - an E-sport event w...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
[Career Center] 3월3주차 인턴십 및 공모전 Key Internship & Contest Opportunities
n Global Media] Korean Language Editor (12months contract) Link: Nielsen Global Media 4. [Equinix]?Data Center Operations / Field Operations Intern?? Link 1: Eq...