Search results for ‘Part’, 238 cases
students stand out. Our students stand apart from the rest and can help you to successfully compete in a global marketplace. All FIT students are bilingual or m...
> About Us > Our Students Speak English
nt program number one in the nation.” Department of Fashion Business Management Fashion Business Management at FIT is the largest and oldest degree program of i...
> About Us > Department of Fashion Business Management
each individual student and university partner with a high-quality program with a strengths-based approach to career readiness and a high level of accountabili...
> About Us > Our Students Know the Industry
nsorship comes from the New York City Department of Education in cooperation with the FIT Foundation. FIT is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Highe...
> About Us > History and Mission of FIT
s about the major, please contact the Department Coordinator. Yeaseul Lee | Department Coordinator & Academic Advisor Office : Academic Building C723 Phone : +8...
> People > Staff
ERNSHIPS Our current list of internship partners who place value on experiential learning. Company Name APPLERIND BABA Fashion HANSAE GREEDILOUS OBLAND Seoul Sh...
> Industry Partnerships
ERNSHIPS Our current list of internship partners who place value on experiential learning. Company Name APPLERIND BABA Fashion HANSAE GREEDILOUS OBLAND Seoul Sh...
> Industry Partnerships > Internships
sn't just take place in the classroom ? participating in internships also provide students with a wealth of other benefits. It enhances the knowledge and skills...
> Industry Partnerships > Value of Internships to Companies