Search results for ‘12th’, 2,146 cases
Finevo Company (Gangnam) Job Openings
Dear Students, ? This email is to inform you of job openings (full time and internship) at?Finevo (피네보 주식회사), a software company located ...
UNISDR Internship Opportunity (3-6 months)
Dear Students, ? The international organizations of?United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)?is?offering full time inte...
GCF Internship Opportunity (6 months)
Dear Students, ? The international organizations of?Green Climate Fund (GCF)?is?offering part time and full time internship opportunities...
World Health Organization (WHO) Internship Opportunity (3 Weeks)
job requires?Korean fluency.? 1.?일??시?:?12월?24일(월) ~ 1월?15일(화) /?(약?3주) ? 2.?장??소?:?용인병원 내?WHO?센터 ? 3.?인턴쉽 지원비용?:?50만원/3주 ? 4.?제출 서류?:?이력서 및 자기소개서?(국문) ? 5.?인턴쉽...
Taeyu Im (aka Quoc Duy Vo) successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis
Please join us in congratulating him on this milestone in his life and academic career! We are all proud to have him among our alumni! Congratulations Dr. Im! H...
News & Events > News Highlights
***Important: CSE Undergraduate Curriculum Update
The Department of Computer Science has recently revised certain core parts of the CSE curriculum. These revisions are de...
News & Events > News Highlights
SUNY Korea Computing Society held another Quiz Night for Spring 2018
Prof. McKenna?again took the lead for another fun Quiz Night as a SUNY Korea Computing Society (SKCS) event. It has become an annual event now. H...
News & Events > News Highlights
Large 2-regular Subgraphs in Subcubic Graphs
:?Boram Park, Ajou University Place :?A312 Academic Building ? For a graph GG, let f2(G)?denote the largest number of vertices in a 2-regular subgraph of GG. We...
UNPOG Internship Opportunity (3-6 months)
Dear Students, ? This email is to notify you of an?internship opportunity at the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG). Ple...
Introduction to the theory of zeta functions
ersity Place :?B103 Academic Building ? The prime number theorem is that the number of prime numbers less than?X is asymptotic to X/log X, conjectured by Legend...