Search results for ‘12th’, 2,146 cases
Predicting the Unpredictable
im, Pusan National University Place :?A312 Academic Building ? In many areas people want to predict the Nature of interest such as weather prediction, ocean for...
October 12, 2018
Dr. Wojceich Opioła (Dep. Dir., Inst. of Pol. Studies, U. of Opole, Poland; research on border development) visited us....
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FIT-FBM Adjunct Faculty Positions
2: Contemporary Retail Management - FM 212: Case studies in fashion marketing - FM 223: Creative fashion presentations - FM 226: International buying and market...
Part-timer Recruiting: The 6th OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowled…
Alternating barrier options with icicles in financial markets
ersity Place :?B204 Academic Building ? This talk introduces a new class of barrier options and its variations. We call the new class of options as two-asset al...
Appointment of Provost/ Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
? SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university founded in Korea’s only smart city, Songdo. The setting is exceptional for a univers...
International Red Cross Volunteer Opportunity (Flexible Hour, Current …
Location?- Songdo, Incheon Date?- Sep 10th to Dec 31th, 2018? Certification?- Volunteer Certification will be given at the end of the term? More information?- P...
Faculty Position in the Department of AMS
[Faculty Position in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics] ? ? SUNY Korea seeks applicants for a tenure-track faculty positio...
Prof. Suil O Organized 3rd KECRWIC
san from July 22nd to August 3rd, 2018. The workshop was founded by Prof. Suil O with two other people together, and the first KECRWIC was held at SUNY-Korea in...
Prof. Suil O selected as a recipient of a NRF-NSFC Joint Grant
Science Foundation of China), funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and?Future Planning.?His project is on “Saturated?Graphs and their Eigenvalues”, and the to...