Search results for ‘sup’, 609 cases
Eight Student Ambassadors Appointed for 2023-2024
cs, joined Spring 2021 I aspire to be a supportive and compassionate individual who strives to make a positive impact around the world. As a student ambassador,...
News > Newsroom
SUNY Korea R&BD Foundation, 2023 Startup Boot Camp
participated, along with other startup support organizations, and provided education to foster students' entrepreneurial spirit and improve the success rate of...
News & Notices > News
Bazaar for FIT Scholarship Fund: Designer Kim Dong Soon and Johanex Sample sale
mmunity, ? We are grateful for all your support for the past year.? We are pleased to announce that the SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume is holding a SUNY Ko...
News > Notice
Collegiate Clash Event Application
icial USC event. Our event will receive support from 'Gen.G Global Academy' and the student e-sports club 'Player at SUNY Korea'. Please refer to the informatio...
News > Notice
2024 first half year professional personnel support project (2024년도 전반기 전문경력인사초빙활용지원사업 신규과제 공모)
first half year professional personnel support project Link:?
News & Notices > Opportunities
Career Experience Program at the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
inclusive, and sustainable growth. GGGI supports its Member States in transitioning their economies towards a green growth model that simultaneously achieve pov...
News > Notice
[Staff Job Opening] Admissions Team
given to those eligible for employment support pursuant to the “Act on the Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons, etc. of Distinguished Service to the...
News > Jobs
Research on the development policy and support of domestic and foreign enterprises (국내·외 기업 육성정책 및 지원사업 조사 연구)
Research on the development policy and support of domestic and foreign enterprises (국내·외 기업 육성정책 및 지원사업 조사 연구) Link:?
News & Notices > Opportunities
Hyojung Jang (MS in Statistics) and Solha Park (MS in Statistics)?have?published their?paper in Biology Methods & Protocols
n Biology Methods & Protocols?under the supervision of?Prof. Hyunwook Koh. Details can be found in the attachment. ?...
A Supima Competition Finalist’s Sculptural Works
Hwang’s capsule collection?for the 2023?Supima Design Competition?featured structural looks, a lot of texture, and a great deal of surface manipulation and volu...
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