Search results for ‘development’, 443 cases
May 15, 2019
The #SUNYKorea team at the Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, for presentations and partnership meetings; left to right, Professors Pennings, W...
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May 15, 2019
hip) at #SUNYKorea present at the Asian Development Bank, at regular event "Insight Thursday," a 30 minute moderated & broadcasted presentation show....
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2019 Spring Career Design School (Date: 4/27, Sat)
l students who are interested in career development. ? ? Please see the information below for more details: Workshop Schedule: - 10am ~ 12pm: Special lecture by...
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FIT-Fashion Business Management Adjunct Faculty Positions
erchandising, buying, planning, product development, leadership, or retail management and a strong knowledge of emerging trends in the field. In addition to hav...
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April 11, 2019
Jin-Sang Lee, "Perspectives on African Development and Korean Partnership" https // #SUNYKorea...
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#6 Min-Koo Han from KAST
retch out his Savant Leadership for the development of Korean science and technology, and to build up the foundation of SUNY Korea research field....
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Accelerated First-order Methods for Large-scale Optimization
d a great interest, and this led to the development of a conjugate gradient method, a heavy-ball method, and Nesterov's fast gradient method, which we will revi...
[Seminar] Accelerated First-order Methods for Large-scale Optimization
d a great interest, and this led to the development of a conjugate gradient method, a heavy-ball method, and Nesterov's fast gradient method, which we will revi...
Introduction to enumerative geometry
uss basic concepts, history,?and recent development.?...
[Seminar] Introduction to enumerative geometry
uss basic concepts, history,?and recent development.? ?...