Search results for ‘12’, 436 cases
5 months internship at KOICA(**Korean)
청년인턴)?라. 활동기간 : 5개월 (2018. 8. 1.~ 2018. 12. 31.)?마. 활동내용? ㅇ KOICA 글로벌연수사업(국별, 다국, 석사 등) 각 과정별 모니터링 실시 및 결과보고서 작성? ㅇ 연수생 인터뷰 및 연수사업(CIAT) 웹진 기사 작성? ㅇ KOICA 연수기획실...
5 months internship at KOICA (**Korean)
청년인턴) 라.?활동기간?: 5개월?(2018. 8. 1.~ 2018. 12. 31.) 마.?활동내용 ㅇ?KOICA?글로벌연수사업(국별,?다국,?석사 등)?각 과정별 모니터링 실시 및 결과보고서 작성 ㅇ?연수생 인터뷰 및 연수사업(CIAT)?웹진 기사 작성 ㅇ?KOICA?연수기획실 및 ...
Job Opening Announcement
le 1) Application Review: June 7 - June 12, 2018 (Application forms must be submitted before 6:00 p.m. June 12, 2018) -Result Announcement: June 14, 2018 ? ? 2)...
Math in Music
ding ? In this research, we studied the 12 tones equal temperament (TET) which consists of the modern music system and investigated its mathematical properties....
2018 Fall Resident Assistant Recruitment
ion Session on Wednesday, May 23rd from 12:45-1:45 in Classroom B206. Applications are due?May 30th?and we will be holding interviews during the week of June 4t...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
2018 Spring BUS Dept. Outing
? On May 12th, 2018, BUS Department hosted its 2nd outing. Due to the rain, we had to cancel the previous schedule?to Seoul Grand...
News & Events > Notice
Seoul Career Vision 2018 at COEX
032074745&n_keyword_id=nkw-a001-01-000001224453736&n_keyword=2018JOBFAIR&n_campaign_type=1 ?...
Job Opening Announcement_Application Analyst
il 11, 2018 -Result Announcement: April 12, 2018 3) 2nd Round of Interviews: April 13, 2018 - Result Announcement: April 16, 2018? ? ? 4.Qualifications 1) Fluen...
FIT-Fashion Design Adjunct Faculty Positions
FF211: Visual Design Concepts III - FF 212: Visual Design Concepts IV? - FF 244: Design Collections: Visual Solutions - FF 245: Digital Design: Flats and Floats...
Internship at GGGI(**English)
er to? Thursday....