Search results for ‘ams151’, 631 cases
Part-time/Full-time Professor - Geology
rgraduate and four Graduate degree programs; Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Technological Systems Management, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and...
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Three Professors of AMS SUNY Korea received NRF Grant
? Professor Tan Cao,?Professor Suil O,?and Professor Myoungshic Jhun?have been selected as a recipient of the National ...
BUS - Tenure-track Faculty Position in Marketing
ivering high-quality?undergraduate programs in Business that include a BS in Business Management with specializations in Accounting and Finance while providing ...
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FIT - Adjunct Faculty Position in Fashion Design
offers a wide range of outstanding programs that are relevant to today's rapidly changing industries. Internationally renowned, the college offers two majors, a...
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FIT - Math Adjunct Faculty Position
undergraduate and graduate degree programs. To provide the same quality of education under the State University of New York system, all programs are identical ...
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Part-time/Full-time Professor - Biology
rgraduate and four Graduate degree programs; Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Technological Systems Management, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and...
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AMS Adjunct Faculty Position
AMS Adjunct Faculty Position ? ? ? SUNY Korea seeks applicants for an adjunct faculty position in the field of mathemati...
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#7 Johng-Ihl Lee from KOSIME
cebook information or user-created programs are updated faster than government announcements. The situation would have been worse than now if the nation had mon...
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FIT - Fashion Business Management Adjunct Faculty Positions
offers a wide range of outstanding programs that are relevant to today’s rapidly changing industries. Internationally renowned, the college offers two majors, a...
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Interview with Dr. Joseph Mitchell, Stony Brook AMS Chair
? [SUNY Korea] Strength of AMS, SUNY Korea | Stony Brook AMS Chair Joseph Mitchell Check out the interview video?? http...