Search results for ‘SUP’, 589 cases
Supporters Needed for 48th IPCC at Songdo Convensia(**Korean)
제48차?IPCC(기후변화에 관한 정부간 협의체)?총회 서포터즈 모집 공고 ? ? 안녕하세요.?제48차?IPCC?총회 사무국입니다. ? ? IPCC는 세계기상기구(WMO)와 유엔환경계획(UNEP)이?1988년 공동...
Staff Job Opportunities at SUNY Korea (상시채용 공지)
lic Relations, Administration, Research Support Team,?and other?areas as well.?Currently, we are accepting job applicants throughout the year (상시채용), and job?op...
Internship at EAAFP_IT & Web Specialist (**English)
es and Responsibilities ? ? ? Under the supervision of the Communication Officer and the Chief Executive of EAAFP, the IT and Website Specialist (Consultant) wi...
Volunteer Intern at Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center(Red Cross)…
ies; d) provide technical assistance to support resilience efforts of Asia Pacific National Societies and partners; and e) create networks and partnerships amon...
5 months job recruitment at IGC Campus (**English)
server - Redevelop backend, frontend - Support SW testing ? ? ? Preferences: - Development experience - English skill ? Company overview: ? ? ? Name: Wayne Inc...
Internship at EAAFP(**English)
mmunication Officer, Chief Executive ? ·Supervisor: Communication Officer ? ·A small amount of monthly allowance may be given.? ? ? ? ? 2.????Job description fo...
Mtree 2018 Summer Program
team members.?? ? 8) A huge bulk of our supplies are in Kenya already but we will also purchase additional items based on our class needs.?? ? 9) Please downloa...
Job Opening Announcement
ts - Academic department administrative support - Academic degree program course planning - Faculty support - Lab facility preparation and management - Graduate...
2018 Global Applied Game Jame @POSTECH
mmodation/Meal/Registration fee will be supported. * Any SUNY Korea student? also can take part in the event with free of charge(Excluded transportation cost) 3...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
BMS Lecture Series: Sungjoon Nam
uying behaviors.? Thank you for all the support you showed to the BMS Series. This puts the end on the BMS series for Spring 2018. We hope to see you next semes...
News & Events > Notice