Search results for ‘sign’, 752 cases
FIT - Adjunct Faculty Position in Fashion Design (Art)
T Adjunct Faculty Position in Fashion Design (Art) ? ? ? ? ? Short Title (WEB) ? Adjunct Faculty Position in Fashion Design (Art) ? Full Title ? Adjunct Faculty...
FIT - Adjunct Faculty Positions in Fashion Business Management
ationally renowned college of art and design, business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for adjunct fac...
SUNY Korea Signs an MOU Agreement with Uway Apply
SUNY Korea signed an MOU agreement with Uway Apply on May 20th, 2021. WonKi?Min, the president of SUNY Korea, declared, “We hope th...
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SUNY Korea Online Information Session for Koreans Overseas
You can view and choose which events to sign up for using the calendar at the bottom. (Note: All times displayed are Korea Standard Time unless noted otherwise)...
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Spring 2021 FIT Alumni Panel Event
are working in the fields of fashion design, cosmetic vendors, and digital marketing. Yeeun Kim, Gayeon Hoh, Yoojin Choi, and Chaehee Lee shared their work exp...
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Application Deadline of SUNY Korea FIT Programs for Fall 2021 Extended
ollment quota from 70 to 105 (Fashion Design 30 / Fashion Business Management 75) starting from the Fall 2021 entry term. For more details, please contact SUNY ...
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[FD] Idciti’s uGPS Technology Introduced on YTN Science
generates, simulates and transmits GPS signals in GPS-disabled environments such as tunnels. As one of the technology companies recognized by the Seoul Institu...
About > Research Highlights
FIT Professor Bon Kuk Koo's interview with "Weekly Today"
day' about core competency of fashion designer. In this interview, Prof. Koo talked about SUNY Korea - FIT, teaching methods and core competency to be a fashion...
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Hyewon Jung Expects the AMS Program to Encompass All Her Interests
sses is very high. There are a lot of assignments and exams, so after I review and finish my homework after classes, there is not much free time left. But I can...
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idciti’s uGPS technology is introduced on YTN Science
generates, simulates and transmits GPS signals in GPS-disabled environments such as tunnels. As one of the technology companies recognized by the Seoul Institu...
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