Search results for ‘12th’, 2,158 cases
Student Ambassador Recruitment Announcement
- Spring 2024! If you are interested in the?student?leader position and have a sincere desire to represent SUNY Korea, please apply for the SUNY Korea?Student?A...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
[Seminar] ME Seminar Series @Tuesday, September 19 at 5PM
talk about?Computational Autonomous Synthesis of Creative Robot Mechanisms ? Challenge and Response.? Dr. Kim is a Distinguished?Professor in the Department of...
About Us > News
ME Open Lab Day
The 1st ME Open Lab Day, held on September 6, 2023, saw an attendance of 44 undergraduate students, 9 graduate students,...
About Us > News
[Seminar] Differentiation, Generalized Differentiation, and Applications
Speaker: Thieu Nguyen? ?Location:?B105 Date and Time:?September 25?(Mon), 6:40 PM - 7:40 PM in KST RSVP HERE:?
[Ministry of Environment] Aerial observation of particles through stereoscopic observation (입체관측을 통한 유기미세입자 및 주요 2차 입자상 물질의 국가 간 이동파악을 위한 항공관측)
Title: Aerial observation of particles?through stereoscopic observation (입체관측을 통한 유기미세입자 및 주요 2차 입자상 물질의 국가 간 이동파악을 위한 항공관측) Link:?
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Defense Acquisition Program Administration] A study on the joint task offloading & routing optimization technique of space router based on SpaceWire/SpaceFibre technologies (SpaceWire/SpaceFibre 기반 우주라우터의 통합 Task Offloading 및 라우팅 기법 연구)
Funding Opportunity Title: On-Board space router development for high-speed, real-time data processing between multiple...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[National Agency for Administrative City Construction] 2040 Metropolitan city monitoring system development project (2040년 광역도시계획 상시 모니터링 체계구축 및 세부 실행방안 연구)
ing Date for Applications: Oct 11, 2023 12:00 Estimated Total Program Funding: ?180,000,000 (VAT inc.) Inquiry:?044-200-3141...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Ministry of Science and ICT] Technology development for the public security (2023년 미래치안도전기술개발) Office Name: Ministry of Science and ICT ...
News & Notices > Opportunities
IRB (Institutional Review Board, 생명윤리위원회)
ew Board) IRB is established to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects, by both advance and periodic review. "Research on human subj...
Our Services > Manuals > System Manuals
[Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy] 2023 the 3rd energy workforce training project (2023년도 3차 에너지인력양성사업)
Funding Opportunity Title: 2023 the 3rd energy workforce training project Link:?
News & Notices > Opportunities