Search results for ‘12th’, 2,146 cases
Internship Opportunity at Janssen Vaccines (J&J)
aceutical business division. Equipped with world- class, state-of-the-art facilities in the Songdo Bio Complex, Janssen Vaccines produces high-quality bio-pharm...
Project Opportunity at PS Analytics (Deadline: Friday, December 6)
nterested, please check more details in the attached document. ? PS Analytics is a trusted provider of data-driven strategies and innovative solutions for a lar...
[Student Reporter] FIT’s Curated Tee Shirt Returns to the Incheon Art Show 2024
ents have once again been able to share their art at the annual Incheon Art Show this November, and this year was nothing short of impactful. This past week, th...
News > News Center
[Staff Job Opening] Admissions Officer, IT Services Team Member
a SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university system in Incheon, South Korea. In 2012, Stony Brook University (SBU), which is a pr...
[Notice of Tender (입찰공고)] Classroom Lecture Equipment Purchase / 강의실 전자 강의 장비 구매
고 입찰 등록마감 개찰 일시 일 시 2024. 11. 25. (월) ~ 12. 02. (월) 2024. 12. 02. (월) 2024. 12. 03. (화) 내 용 학교 홈페이지 공고 강의연구동A418호 (인사총무팀) 강의연구동 A412호 ?? ?????※ 일정은 사정에 따라 변경될 수...
Public Notice on Tendering > Public Notice on Tendering
Fall 2024 SUNY Korea Experience Day
med high school students nationwide for the annual SUNY Korea Experience Day. The event showcased academic programs, sample lectures, and provided opportunities...
News & Events > Notice
CS Seminar by Dr. Fabio Morbidi from University of Picardie Jules Verne, France (Friday, November 29, 2 PM, B206)
and a large dynamic range (in excess of 120 dB). As the human eye, these bio-inspired sensors only record the brightness changes occurring within a scene, and t...
News & Events > Events
FBM Field Trip to Applerind & Museum SAN
pplerind, located in Wonju, Kangwon-do. Thirty-five FBM (Fashion Business Management) students participated in this enriching experience, accompanied by Profess...
News > News Center
SUNY Korea CPA Study Group's Field Trip to PwC Korea
Study Group visited PwC Korea in?Seoul. Thirty students, including three faculty members, Department Chair Jeehong Kim, Professor Soo Young Kwon, and Professor ...
News & Events > Notice
The New York Climate Exchange Announces $10M Gift from Glenn Dubin and Eva Andersson-Dubin, MD
iversity alumnus Glenn Dubin ’78, Hon. ’12 and his wife, Eva Andersson-Dubin, MD. The pledge will be used to support The Exchange’s critical capital projects, f...
News > News Center