Search results for ‘sign’, 752 cases
Job Opening Announcement
ffices and?accommodation, and on-campus signage -University asset management -Other general affair tasks ? ? 2. Recruitment Method ?: Open Competitive Recruitme...
[SBU in Fall 2018] SBU Life Info Session (April 25)
ting Stony Brook this fall, Remember to sign up HERE( for the April 25th SBU Life Info Session! Lunch is provided and SUNY Korea students ...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
"Retro" FUN Fashion Show
OPEN CALL for design teams?to participate in the fun 'Retro' fashion show! Dear?SUNY?Korea Community, ? As part of the Spring Festival b...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Design Thinking Seminar (**English)
Statistical Process Control and Its Applications
Control (SQC) tools are Experimental Design, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Acceptance Sampling. Experimental Design and SPC take about 80% of the SQC a...
Design Thinking Seminar
Please contact to? you want to participate this seminar. ?
FIT-Fashion Business Management Adjunct Faculty Positions
ationally renowned college of art and design, business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for adjunct fac...
FIT-Fashion Design Adjunct Faculty Positions
ationally renowned college of art and design, business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for adjunct fac...
Seoul Downtown's Historic Center Tour organized by Hippie Korea
ESCO House” building, and hear of their significance, and what they do and offer. The old site of the Chinese Embassy, R.O.C. Community Center, Chinese School a...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Faculty Mentors!
? Faculty Mentors have been assigned! All students within the BUS department have been assigned to a professor. Students must have a meeting with thei...
News & Events > Notice