Search results for ‘sustainable’, 113 cases
ril 5 and 6 Join us for the 16th Annual Sustainable Business and Design Conference, Pathways to Impact. As it was last year, this event will be virtual. Over th...
Three Baker School Students Awarded Fashion Scholarship Fund Scholarships
yer Moss: The Reclamation Collection, a sustainable collection of home products designed to encourage collective Black rest and healing. The concept offers sust...
News > Newsroom 2022-03-15
Wallace Selected to Present at United Nations Conference on Africa
artners to improve the fiscal space for sustainable growth, avoiding the worsening of fragility, and preventing conflict on the continent. Wallace, who holds a ...
News > Newsroom 2022-03-15
ICT for Development TECH
ation and Communications Technology for Sustainable Development The Internet is the largest engineered construction project in human history and it is generatin...
Courses > Featured Courses 2022-02-15
Data Sci Management
ion and communications technologies for sustainable development (ICT4D). Prerequisites:?AMS 161 or MAT 132 or MAT 127; CSE 114; U3 or U4 standing 3 credits...
Courses > Featured Courses 2022-02-15
Sustainable Energy
EST?592: Sustainable Energy: Technologies, Systems, Markets, and Policies The ample supply and appropriate use of energy is criti...
Courses > Featured Courses 2022-02-14
Governor Hochul Visits BNL’s New Laboratory for BioMolecular Structure
ny other challenges, including creating sustainable and renewable energy technologies or developing innovative ways to deliver on New York State’s climate goals...
News > Newsroom 2022-01-27
TS Students Intern at Korea Joongang Daily ?
omponents serve as a tool to assess how sustainable or ethically responsible a company is in the long run for investors. ? Although ESG is a non-financial perfo...
About Us > News 2021-12-10
What is Technology and Society?
s pioneered:?Information Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD) and Technological Management in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)....
About Us > FAQs 2021-12-07
5. What kinds of jobs do mechanical engineers get after graduation?
safety systems f.??? Design and analyze sustainable forms of energy that are more readily accessible by nations, states, cities, villages, and people groups g.?...
About Us > FAQ 2021-12-07