Search results for ‘12th’, 2,157 cases
Natural Dye Garden Club(NDGC)'s Denim Collection
Dear SUNY Korea Community, This is an email sent on behalf of the Natural Dye Garden Club (NDGC) of SUNY Korea. If you have any questions or inquir...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
CS Double Major/Minor Declaration/Drop Form
puter Science must schedule a meeting with the CS Department Coordinator to confirm their eligibility. Process for Declaring a CS Double Major/Minor 1. Book a m...
Academics > Undergraduate > Documents & Forms
Permission to Enroll Form
Students who meet the stated course prerequisites will usually be able to advance register via SOLAR. But since transfer credit informatio...
Academics > Undergraduate > Documents & Forms
University Bulletin Supplement for CSE Undergraduates at SUNY Korea
Please download the Bulletin Supplement attached.? This document specifically overviews the academic policy that are applied specificall...
Academics > Undergraduate > Documents & Forms
[FSH Spring Event] "Cautiously Optimistic" T-Shirt Design Contest and Exhibition
" T-Shirt Design Contest and Exhibition The FSH (Faculty of Sciences and Humanities) at our school holds?the "Cautiously Optimistic" T-Shirt Design Contest and ...
News & Events > News
[IMPORTANT] BM Curriculum Change - Effective from Fall 2023
st Analysis and Applications?will be in the business major core courses and not under Accounting Specialization. Therefore, for the students who are matriculain...
News & Events > Notice
[Staff Job Opening] Academic Team Coordinator (Computer Science Department)
a SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university system in Incheon, South Korea. In 2012, Stony Brook University (SBU), which is a pr...
Specialization Declaration for Spring 2023 is OPEN!
usiness Management should choose one of the?Specializations?at the start of the Junior Year (U3).? ? Please?declare?specialization(s) among?Accounting, Finance,...
News & Events > Notice
Internship Opportunity at AMCHAM / Government & Corporate Affairs Internship
immediate?internship?opportunities from?The?American?Chamber?of?Commerce?in Korea (AMCHAM?Korea)?주한미국상공회의소. AMCHAM?is searching for interns to assist the?Govern...
Outstanding Student Award Ceremony - for Fall 2023 Winners
365 Financial Management Yubin Heo - MAT122?Overview of Calculus with Applications Congratulations all Again!! ? ? ? ? ? ?...
News & Events > Notice