Search results for ‘injected_by_wvs’, 1,222 cases
Math in Music
ntegrated music theory with mathematics by studying these new music systems. We will discuss mathematical properties of the 10 TET including major and minor sca...
2018 Global Applied Game Jame @POSTECH
rea - Accommodation and meals: provided by POSTECH - Participants: 70 ~ 80 students - Local transportation, KTX station and campus: provided - Participating uni...
News > Notice 2018-06-01
Packing and Covering Graph Objects
er we can remove all such guest objects by removing bounded number of elements. For instance, when a graph contains no two disjoint cycles, how many vertices ar...
Special Lecture about 'Hanok' organized by Hippie-Korea
nok" - Past, Present & Future"Presented by the only German Hanok Architect & Designer in Korea - Mr. Daniel Taendler. Register here to save your spot:https://go...
News > Notice 2018-05-30
2018 Summer Work-Study Program (~May 30)
Study Program in SUNY Korea is operated by Academic and Student Affairs to provide financial support for SUNY Korea students who choose to work while attending ...
News > Notice 2018-05-24
BMS Lecture Series: Sungjoon Nam
ing years and the rate of return caused by the impulsive cancellation. The data is still growing and there are more research to be done to have further knowledg...
News & Events > Notice 2018-05-24
[GMU] Special Lecture - The Schooled Society: The Educational Transformation of Global Culture
ional Transformation of Global Culture” by Dr. David P. Baker, Professor of Education and Sociology, and a research scientist at the Center for the Study of Hig...
News > Notice 2018-05-23
Invitation to Korean Culture Lecture from Hippie Korea
m. Including Tea tasting, power lecture by Prof David AMason and a Korean Tea performance. All free of charge! Definitely highly insightfull and Zen.Come and si...
News > Notice 2018-05-15
BMS Lecture Series: Ayaan Adam
f Paris Agreement in 2015, it is set up by 194 countries who are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. They ask for accredited e...
News & Events > Notice 2018-05-10
FIT-Adjunct Faculty Position for Teaching MA 142: Geometry and the Art…
to this position. Applications are due by May 25, 2018 and must be submitted to ? ? Online applications are strongly encouraged. ? ...
News > Jobs 2018-05-09