Search results for ‘12th’, 2,153 cases
Class format in Spring 2022
unced on Jan 19, 2022, and consistent with the Ministry of Education (MoE) guidelines, we will start the spring 2022 semester in-person with the necessary safet...
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[SBU Gen Ed] Spring 2022/ Instructor Change: WRT 101
Note: instructor?change?in the WRT 101 courses?for Spring 2022 semester. WRT 101. 91 The?instructor?will?change?from?Andrew Lasher?to?Andrew Schenc...
Decision-making QPS
ews common justifications for decisions through quantitative, algorithmic processes and reducing multiple criteria to one variable. Covers basic concepts in cos...
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Intro to Sci, Tech,Soc Studies
cience, Technology, and Society Studies The dynamics of the relations among modern science, the development and use of technology through engineering, and socia...
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Modern Digital Tech Innovation
odern Digital Technology and Innovation This course helps students develop an understanding of innovation, digital technology and design through the use of soci...
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Interaction Design TECH
EST?207: Interaction Design The design of interactive user experiences. Human perception, motivations, and how people interact with devices. User-ce...
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ICT for Development TECH
Technology for Sustainable Development The Internet is the largest engineered construction project in human history and it is generating sweeping social, polit...
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Visual Rhetoric TECH
n Technology Seeing comes before words. The focus of this survey course is on the visual communication code, and on implementation of effective presentation des...
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Communication for Engr & Sci
audiences using various communication methods and styles. In EST 304, students learn how to communicate technical concepts that make sense not only to other sci...
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App Software for Info Mgt
Information Management Introduction to the role of applications software in various types of organizations with emphasis on methods of formulating the requisit...
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