Search results for ‘12th’, 2,153 cases
Design of Computer Games TECH
uter Games Fundamental ideas underlying the design of games, which occurs before the programming stage. How games function to create experiences, including rule...
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Communication Tech Systems STAS
ion, and environment. Prerequisite:?MAT 123; one D.E.C. E or SNW course DEC:?????H SBC:?????STAS 3 credits...
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Technology in the Workplace STAS
EST?325: Technology in the Workplace A study of automation and information technologies in both manufacturing and service industries. Considers...
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Management for Engineers
EST?326: Management for Engineers This course will introduce all the principals and theories in the area of operation management and quality control. The ...
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Marketing for Engineers
fications. Prerequisite:?AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132 or 142 or 171; WRT 102; CEAS major or permission of the department. 3 credits...
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Engineering Ethics STAS
EST?331: Engineering Ethics Individuals and organizations must make ethical decisions in the course of scientific and engineering endeavors. V...
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How to Build a Startup
inary teams, formed before or in class, they learn structured methodology for testing assumptions underlying business ideas to determine viability of profit/not...
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Data Sci Management
rerequisites:?AMS 161 or MAT 132 or MAT 127; CSE 114; U3 or U4 standing 3 credits...
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Mobile Revolution
rerequisites:?AMS 161 or MAT 132 or MAT 127; EST 320; U3 or U4 standing Corequisite: CSE 114 3 credits...
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Technology Assessment STAS
ughout the semester. Prerequisites:?MAT 127 or 132 or 142 or 171 or AMS 161; U3 or U4 DEC:?????H SBC:?????STAS 3 credits ?...
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