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Grant Management

Project Procedures

Principal Investigator
Research Support Team
PI & Research Support Team
  • 01 Opportunities announced

    Share open R&D calls with Principal Investigators through Research Support Team website and emails, collected from various research funding agencies.

  • 02 Application

    Submit a research plan application to the research funding agency and sign a contract if awarded.

  • 03 R&D fund card issuance

    When research funds are deposited into the central management account of Research Support Team, the research project is registered in the system (account created) and the card is issued.

  • 04 Application for budget execution approval

    The Principal Investigator requests and Research Support Team approves/rejects the research fund execution plan, ensuring it aligns with the approved budget and adheres to the principles for each expense item (research activities, materials, stipend and more).​

  • 05 Register researcher stipend

    When the Principal Investigator registers a participating researcher on the Smart R&D system, Research Support Team reviews and approves/rejects, and labor costs are paid to the personal account of the researchers (research assistants) on a designated date every month.

  • 06 Request of research fund execution

    The Principal Investigator requests approval for budget execution on the Smart R&D system, covering meeting fees and equipment purchases exceeding 2M KRW. The Research Support Team reviews the request and makes a decision to approve or reject it.
    *meeting fees applicable from Nov. 2024

  • 07 Payment of research expenses

    After making the payment, attach the relevant supporting documents and submit them on the Smart R&D system. The team will review the appropriateness of the supporting documents.

  • 08 Submission of results & settlement report

    Report the research findings and provide a summary of the research fund utilization following the completion of the research, in accordance with the standards set by the research funding agency.

  • 09 Research performance management

    Report research outcomes, including papers, personnel development, and intellectual property rights, to Research Support Team for management for five years after the completion of the research for government projects.

Use of R&D Funding

  • A. Student researcher stipend
    • Student stipends are as follows: BA: 1.3M, M.A.: 2.2M, Ph.D: 3.0M KRW

    The sum of student labor costs for each student researcher must exceed 10% of the above standards.

    The participation rate for TA and RA combined must not exceed 100% and cannot overlap.

  • B. Equipment for your research
    • Equipment with a unit price over 2M KRW must be purchased through Research Support Team.
    • Purchases are allowed only until 2 months before the project end.
  • C. Overhead
    • 5% is the fixed ratio of overhead of total government grant.
    • Other than the government R&D project: over 15% of the appropriation is allocated to indirect costs, excluding VAT and entrusted research development costs

Check it out Depending on the specific legislation applied to each project, such as the NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION ACT or the SCIENCES PROMOTION ACT, the guidelines may vary, including following their own guidelines especially for Government grants.

Cost categories

Cost categories - Category, Purpose of use
Category Purpose of use
Direct Cost Labor cost
  • Labor cost paid to internal/external researchers directly for participating in R&D project
Student labor cost
  • Labor cost paid to student researchers directly for participating in R&D project
Research Facilities / materials cost
  • Research Facilities/materials cost

    General-purpose equipment unrelated to R&D project excluded

  • Research facility installation/purchase/lease/usage expense, and incidental expense (e.g., operation expense)
  • Reagents/materials purchase expense
  • Computer processing expense
  • S/W purchase expense
  • Prototype/test equipment manufacturing expense
Research activity expense
  • Overseas travel expense
  • Printing/copying/developing/slide-making expenses and research project-related public notice expense
  • Expert expense, domestic and overseas education/training expense, literature purchase expense (e.g., books), conference room fee, seminar hosting expense, conference/seminar attendance fee, manuscript fee, interpretation fee, translation fee, shorthand fee, subscription fee, technology transfer fee, etc.
  • Article publishing fee, thesis examination fee
  • Test/analysis/inspection fee, clinical trial fee, technical information gathering fee, patent information survey fee, information DB fee, etc.
  • Questionnaire expense
  • Expense necessary to coordinate and manage any sub-project
Research project implementation expense
  • Domestic travel expense
  • Office supplies expense, expense of research environment-maintaining Mechanical equipment
  • Meeting expense (excluding conference room fee and expert expense, out of research activity expense)
  • Overtime meal expense related to R&D project
Research allowance
  • Rewards and subsidies for head researcher and participating researchers related to R&D project
Entrusted R&D funding
  • Expense necessary to entrust part of the research to outside universitys
Indirect cost
  • Indirect cost