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Travel expenses (여비 사전 신청서 및 출장 보고서)

Writer Research Date Created 2025.03.04 Hits1

Before departure:

Application for travel expenses (여비 사전 신청서) is to request in advance the expected expenses incurred for a business trip and must be submitted at least one week before the ticket purchase date. Invitation email from the host institution and joint research plan must be submitted.


After reture:

Travel expenses report (출장 보고서) is to report the purpose, results, and costs incurred after a business trip. The following supporting documents must be submitted.

  • Original airline tickets / Itinerary receipt / Airline ticket purchase receipt
  • Certificate of entry and exit (for non-Korean citizen, a copy of the passport personal information page and entry stamp page)
  • For conference attendance, a conference pamphlet and photos of the event with attendee included