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Vision & Mission

University Vision

To position the University as a preeminent global educational institution

University Mission

  • To provide the highest quality undergraduate and graduate programs of the State University of New York focusing on deep disciplinary knowledge, problem solving, leadership, communication, lifelong learning, and interpersonal skills.
  • To foster leaders who are able to resolve global challenges creatively and open doors to a new era full of possibilities.
  • To have a faculty of world-class teacher-scholars who are engaged with and accessible to students and devoted to excellence in teaching.
  • To carry out research and intellectual endeavors of the highest international standards that advance knowledge.
  • SUNY Korea in Numbers

    • March 19, 2012
    • Undergraduate
    • Graduate
    Faculty Status
    • 112 in total
    • International Faculty Ratio: 40.2%
    Student Faculty Ratio
    • 8:1
    Staff Status
    • 54 in total
    • 5 departments and 11 teams
    • Internship Programs
    • Employment Rate
    Student Status
    • 1323 in total (undergraduate: 1273, graduate: 50)
    • International Student Ratio: 12.2%
    • Residence Hall Availability IS (Freshmen)
    • Scholarship Recipients (Freshmen)