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Brand Guidelines

SUNY Korea Brand

The SUNY Korea brand represents the institution and promotes unity and a common purpose, ensuring a consistent and cohesive brand image. SUNY Korea's logo symbolizes an individual who is serving the world as a key. The outlined shape represents the 'KEY', symbolizing the key to the world by opening doors of new possibilities.

SUNY Korea
SUNY Korea The State Ubiversity of New York
SUNY Korea The State Ubiversity of New York 한국뉴욕주립대학교

Stony Brook University (SBU)

Stony Brook University

Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)

FIT State University of New York


If you have any questions or need guidance regarding the SUNY Korea brand, including its use in combination with Stony Brook University and/or FIT, please contact brand@sunykorea.ac.kr.