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On View & Upcoming


I started as a student at FIT in 1962, and was the first Korean national to graduate from the Fashion Design Program. During my time at FIT, I received a great deal of inspiration from the FIT Fashion Research Lab. This experience is what influenced me and my vision to establish a museum when I returned to Korea. Although the FIT Fashion Lab at that time was much humbler compared to the current Museum at FIT, it inspired and guided my life’s work.

My mother, Choi Kyung Ja, a pioneer of Korean fashion, studied in Japan, then returned to Korea and established Hamheung Dressmaking Academy at Hamheung, Hamkyungnam-do in 1938; the matrix of Kookje Fashion School. The school has continued with me as the second director and now with my daughter as the third director of the institute. We have produced internationally renowned designers such as Andre Kim and Lie Sang Bong. Through these relationships and donations made by many designers and celebrities and with additional acquired pieces, I opened the first and only, Korea Museum of Modern Costume in Seoul 25 years ago. I put my life, heart and soul into the collection and curation of the museum.

I am with great pride and pleasure that FIT, my Alma mater, opened a campus in Songdo. The university gathers students from all over the globe allowing them to learn, grow and dream together. It reminds me of the enthusiasm I had as a student at FIT in New York half a century ago. I am grateful for everything I have achieved based on the learning, experience and the vision that I gained from my time at FIT.

The SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume opening on the Songdo Campus will operate mainly to support the academic courses taught. My wish is for it to grow into a learning center where younger generations of fashion students may share in the same experience I had at FIT. I dream SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume will develop as the major contributor to fashion education in Korea, in the near future. I certainly believe this wish will come true.

SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume, Chief Director Heisoon Shin


Title of the Exhibition: "A Contemporary Icon Revisited-Thierry Mugler"

Duration of the Exhibition : June 17th, 2024 - September 6th, 2024

We invite you to attend our installation, "A Contemporary Icon Revisited-Thierry Mugler," showcasing the exceptional work of our 2024 Fashion Design graduates. Each garment on display has been conceptualized, designed, and meticulously hand-crafted by the talented second-year Fashion Design students at SUNY Korea FIT.

Please join us at the SUNY Korea FIT Museum on June 14th 2024 at to witness their unparalleled craftsmanship and unique perspectives of the iconic French designer, Thierry Mugler and to acknowledge the achievements of our young designers. A “Soft Opening for VIP’s and the press will be held of June 11th from 2:00pm-5:00pm. The official installation is open to the public on Monday June 17th from 10:00am-5:00pm.

A Contemporary Icon Revisited-Thierry Mugler poster


  • Address
    • Academic Building AB101 SUNY Korea, 119-2 Songdo Moonhwa-Ro Incheon, Republic of Korea (21985)
    • 인천광역시 연수구 송도문화로 119-2 한국뉴욕주립대 A동 B101 (우:21985)
  • Tel +82-32-626-1356
  • E-mail costumemuseum@sunykorea.ac.kr
  • Opening Hours
    • Weekdays 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Closed : Weekends and National Holidays