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Academic Bulletin

2018 Global Applied Game Jame @POSTECH

Writer Administrator Date Created 2018.06.01 Hits794

1. Overview

- Collaborating from 2013, POSTECH Creative IT Engineering and Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) are holding an applied game jam.

- Running for 48 hours at POSTECH, four to five Graduate/Undergraduate students with various background develop a game with a given theme as a team.

- The theme is suggested differently every year, related to the solving of social issues.

- Group of professionals are invited to help idea brainstorming and game development of participants.

- Participants are ranging from 60 to 70, coming from 10 different universities from 4 different countries (Korea, Japan, China, and the Netherlands).

2. 2018 Game Jam Schedule

- Time: August 01 (Wed) – 03 (Fri), 2018

- Place: C5 Conference Hall (Dept of Creative IT Engineering), POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea

- Accommodation and meals: provided by POSTECH

- Participants: 70 ~ 80 students

- Local transportation, KTX station and campus: provided

- Participating universities: POSTECH, HKU (Holland), SUNY-KOREA, Jilin Animation Institute (China), Nihon University (Japan), Seoul National University, Korea National University of Arts, Hoseo University, Dongguk University (to be confirmed), Kimpo University, Gachon University, Soongsil University, Sangmyung University, Dong Seoul University


* Accommodation/Meal/Registration fee will be supported.

* Any SUNY Korea student also can take part in the event with free of charge(Excluded transportation cost)

3. Theme: Alzheimer/Dementia (tentative)

4. Sponsorship: Netmarble, Pohang City

5. Tentative Game Jame Schedule




6. How to Apply

- Deadline: June 15, 2018

- Include your name, major and the contact number in the email.

- Apply to Shannon Song (