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Academic Bulletin

COVID-19 Policy

Writer Strategic Planning & Relations Date Created 2022.03.08 Hits540

SUNY Korea has started the spring 2022 semester with in-person classes with the necessary safety measures in place. However, due to continued concerns about the spread of Omicron and out of an abundance of caution, classes with an enrollment of 40 or above are being held online.  


The health and safety of our community are of paramount concern. Therefore, in full compliance with the Ministry of Education and the Korean


government regulations, the following policies have been developed and are being enforced. We ask all members of the SUNY-Korea family to observe these rules. In reviewing these rules please note the following definitions and terminology.


Close Contact

The Korean Center for Disease Control (KCDC) defines close contacts as people who have been within 2 meters of an infected person for more than 15 minutes and who were not wearing a mask. Family members, roommates, and anyone the person has eaten a meal with are also considered close contacts. Therefore, being in a classroom while observing social distancing and wearing a mask is not considered close contact. 


COVID 19 Tests

Rapid antigen testing (RAT) and Polymeric Chain Reaction (PCR) are the two commonly accepted tests for detecting COVID 19 infections. Studies have shown that in people who did not have COVID-19, antigen tests correctly ruled out infection in 99.5% of people with symptoms and 98.9% of people without symptoms. However, RAT can give (up to 30%) false-positive results. Therefore, people who test positive on RAT should be tested with PCR to confirm the result. Please note that KCDC advises that RAT self-testing may be inaccurate if not done properly. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the RAT test be done in an approved laboratory. 


Classroom Management If a student has symptoms or is confirmed with COVID-19, or has been in close contact with a confirmed case before a class, she/he is required to report that to the instructors of all of her/his courses immediately, and no later than the start of the next classes. Students with symptoms or those who have been in close contact with a confirmed case must get tested (RAT) immediately. If the test is negative they can return to in-person classes. If positive, they must take a PCR test to confirm the result. If the PCR test is positive, they must quarantine and not attend in-person classes for one week from the date of the positive PCR test. Proof of positive PCR test is required for such absence.   

Instructors must fully accommodate students during the quarantine period by providing all of the relevant course materials as well as online support for tests, office hours, etc. to ensure students remain up to date. These classes will continue to be held in person. 

If an instructor suspects or confirms an infection during a class, the class should be dismissed immediately. The suspected student and those considered to have been in close contact, as defined above, should be tested (RAT or PCR) before the next scheduled meeting of the class. Depending on the outcome of the tests, the students may or may not return to class.

If an instructor is confirmed with COVID-19, his/her class(es), will be held online for one week from the date of the positive PCR test result.


A Two-Stage Contingency Plan

In the event of a deteriorating situation, we have a two-stage contingency plan to shift to the online class mode according to the Korean Ministry of Education recommendation.


Stage 1. If the rate of confirmed cases surpasses 5% of the members of the university community (enrolled students, faculty, and staff), most classes except essential major or lab courses* should be switched to online.


(*Those essential major or lab courses are designated by department chairs and approved by the provost)


Stage 2. If the rate of confirmed cases surpasses 10% of the university community (enrolled students, faculty, and staff), all classes should be provided online.


To monitor the COVID 19 infection rate, the University publishes a daily report of active infection cases in quarantine and rates. To see this report please click here


Students’ Responsibilities

Students are required to report any symptoms, close contact with an infected person, or confirmed infections to their instructors immediately. Following their reports, the Student Affairs team will provide additional information and guidelines via e-mail. Students are required to follow these rules and guidelines as well as all relevant government regulations. 


Students living in dorms will receive additional information and regulations from the housing office.


 Instructors’ Responsibilities

Instructors must have informed students of the two-sage contingency plan, and the class management procedures, with emphasis on students’ responsibilities, in the first meeting of the class


Instructors must report all of the confirmed case(s), including their own, to the SK Covid-19 Task Force at immediately when a confirmed case is found.



All of the information provided by students, faculty, and staff including names are strictly confidential and are only used to implement this plan.  


We are Here to Help

SUNY Korea is committed to sharing all relevant information with our community and complete transparency. We believe that having an informed and cooperating community is essential in maintaining the health and welfare of all members of the SUNY Korea family while maintaining the highest possible quality of education for our students. 


If you have any questions and concerns, please send them by e-mail to However, we ask that you please be sure to review the information above first. Please also note that these guidelines are subject to change depending on the circumstance. We will inform all concerned in the event of any changes.