[RA Event] League of Legends Tournament (Application Deadline: Friday,…
Writer AdministratorDate Created 2021.03.24Hits883
Dear Students,
The Residential College Team and Resident Assistants will be hosting a League of Legends tournament - an E-sport event where you can play with your team and compete with others to win great prizes.
The Pop-up Committee Resident Assistants (RAs) would like to invite you to sign up for the event being held on April 2nd at 8 pm. Please check for the event description below:
Residence Hall LOL Poster (Eng).png
● What: League of Legends Tournament
● When: 2021.4.2(Friday) 8 pm
● Requirement: Teams of 5 players each (maximum of 8 teams, first come first served)
● Prize: Giftcards
50,000 KRW/player for the winning team
30,000 KRW/ player for the 2nd place
10,000 KRW/ person for most valued players per position
● Application period: 2021.03.20-2021.03.26
● Also looking for 2 game commentators and they will be rewarded with gift cards worth 25,000 KRW/person
(We collect name, ID, and email to know how many students are willing to participate and to give prizes to the winners of the event)
This event will be a great opportunity for you to show off your skills, and have fun with friends with the chance of winning amazing prizes. We hope to see you soon!