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Career Opportunities

[Career Center] 2월1주차 인턴십 및 공모전 Key Internship & Contest Opportunities

Writer Administrator Date Created 2021.02.03 Hits1253

Dear Students, 



We highlight to you a list of noteworthy contest and internship opportunities, which are actively recruiting applicants and students. For complete contest information, click open the PDF summary attached. 



1[LG CNS] 3rd A.I. Genius Student Editor Recruitment - Video & Webtoon (D-5)


2. [Korea Science and Creativity Foundation] Post-COVID-19 Career Contest (D-7)
3. Idea Hackathon Competition for Using Household Waste Data and A.I. (D-11)
4. [Tongyeong Nonghyup Online Shopping Mall] Student Idea Contest (D-12)
5. [Korean Water Resources Corp] Big Data Platform Innovation Idea Contest (D-14) 
6. [Human Resources Development Service of Korea] HR Conference Un+Contact Idea Contest (D-16)

7. [Korean Forest Welfare Institute] Green Fund Idea Contest (D-16)


8. [City of Hanam] Smart City Idea Contest (D-16)

9. [L'Oreal Korea] Global Marketing Contest (D-25)
10. [Ministry of Strategy and Finance] New Deal Project Idea Contest (D-25)
11. [Schneider Electric] Go Green 2021 (D-32)
  • Contest Topic: Access to Energy, Homes of the Future, Plants for the Future, Grids of the Future, De[coding] the Future
  • Contest Deadline: Sunday, March 7
  • LinkSchneider
12. [Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy] Engineering Contest (D-44)
13. [DeviceMart] 2021 ICT Convergence Project (D-56)
  • Contest Topic: Choose freely from the themes of Electronics, Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Machinery 
  • Contest Deadline: Wednesday, March 31
  • LinkICT Convergence Project
14. [K-Eyewear] 2021 Design Awards (D-56)




Key Internships:


1. [Willis Towers Watsons] Corporate Risk and Broking Intern (ASAP)
2. [Kolon - Lucky Chouette] Design Intern (ASAP)

3. [Joongang Daily] Advertising Intern (D-4)



4. [NAVER Webtoon] A.I. Project Research Engineer Intern (D-5)
5. [FastCampus] Marketing Designer Intern (D-5)
  • 2 Hiring Departments: Video Design and Contents Marketing
  • Deadline: Monday, February 8
  • LinkFastCampus
6. [GS Retail] GS Netvision Commerce Intern (D-5)
7. [Korea Institute for Startup and Entrepreneurship Development] 2021 First Youth Intern (D-6)
  • 10 Hiring Positions
  • Deadline: Tuesday, February 9
  • LinkKISED
8. [PMG Korea] Marketing Intern (D-11)
9. [BMW] HR Intern (D-11)
10. [SNOGEN GREEN] Clothing Global Sales Intern (D-16)
11. [National Geographic] Marketing Intern (D-45)
12. [ELLESSE] Design Intern (D-52)
13. [Standard Chartered] 2021 Internship Programme (D-56)


Vacation is a great time to apply for contests & internships and receive help on your professional applications. 
For resume and cover letter support, interview preparation and career counseling, please book an appointment with us via. https://sunykoreacdc.youcanbook.me/ (Zoom Meeting available). 
We highly encourage all interested students to apply and obtain practical professional experiences in 2021


Please also follow us on Instagram @sunykoreacdc
With proper research and preparation, CDC is certain that all of our SUNY Korea students will ace any opportunity coming your way. 

