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The 9th International Start-Up Conference

Writer Career Development Center Date Created 2023.11.13 Hits163


The 9th International Start-Up Conference successfully took place from 10/30-11/1, 2023 at Dongmyeong University in Busan, with the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation hosting the programs. The primary objective of this event was to invigorate the start-up landscape by providing university students a unique opportunity to engage in global start-up programs, as participants were encouraged to network with their peers.



Accompanied by Prof. Sean Lee, 12 SUNY Korea students - Chewoon Yun, Chung A Seo, Galam Park, Gayoon Keum, Su Hyun Kim, Denis Truong, Minn Hein, Hyochan Kim, Jun Lee, Gwanwoo Back, Solomon Lee, Sunkyu Moh - participated in the the conference this year. During the conference, our students actively participated in discussions about the current state of the global start-up atmosphere and related issues. They also shared insights from their capstone designs and showcased their start-up projects with the diverse audience in attendance.



As result, all 12 SUNY Korea students could build a strong foundation of their future career. All of them received awards with 7 students winning the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes from the conference. Most importantly, this event allowed the students to learn the importance of proactive research and participation, enabling students to broaden their sights and gain valuable experiences.