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Connecting with the Career Center This Spring

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.03.09 Hits467

February 19, 2021

How Alumni and Seniors Can Connect with Sr. Alumni Career Coach, Marie Parziale:


Career Communities and Affinity/Select Program drop-ins will be available at the Career Center virtually via Zoom.  Marie will be offering Drop-Ins for seniors and alumni Fridays from 10 AM-12 PM.Drop-Ins Portal: Virtual Alumni Career Chats



Virtual Alumni Career Chats


We offer small-group career chats for seniors and alumni to help navigate the transition from college to career! Join fellow alumni alongside Sr. Alumni Career Coach, Marie Parziale!

Every Wednesday:  3 PM to 4 PM on Zoom.

Career Coaching Appointments

 Marie Parziale will be offering 1:1 career alumni coaching appointments every week. Alumni can sign up for these appointments on Handshake to review their resume/cover letter, have a mock interview, discuss their job and internship search, review employers, learn about career paths, and more.

Micro-Mentoring Program 

If you are interested in having a 1:1 conversation with an alumnus who is working in your preferred career field, sign up for one of these micro-mentoring workshops! Be sure to fill out this Google Form with your information and sign up below!


February 18 at 2 PM. 


March 3 at 1 PM. 


March 30 at 11 AM. 


April 13 at 2 PM. 

Upcoming Events:

Get Career Advice at the Virtual Alumni Networking Mixer

Join us for an evening with alumni and friends to grow your professional network and increase your career knowledge! There will be various careers represented at the event organized by career communities!

 March 18th at 6 PM – 8 PM. 

Networking Prep Event for Students

Join us for an hour of training and discussion on best networking practices and how to build professional relationships. This will be your opportunity to get ready, ask questions, and polish up your elevator pitch for our virtual networking event on March 18, 2021! 

March 10th at 1 PM – 2 PM. 

I’m Graduating – Now What?

Marie will also be offering a workshop designed for graduating seniors who are unsure of their career path looking for their first full-time job. Join us to learn how to clarify your career interests and create a solid job search plan!

April 13th-2 PM-3 PM. 

Looking to become a Mentor?

2020-2021 SBU Career Volunteering | Mentor Sign-up

The Alumni Association and the Career Center offer a variety of ways for alumni and friends to give back to Stony Brook University. In addition, the Career Center offers ways that faculty and staff can be more involved in our Career Communities framework.

Career volunteer opportunities include: being a mentor, hosting a site visit, providing a job shadow, hiring interns, mentoring or participating in our educational workshops. 

Share Your Advice at the Virtual Alumni Networking Mixer

Students and recent graduates are interested in your career path and experiences. Share your story, and your advice, at the 10th Annual Students and Alumni Networking Mixer.

 March 18th at 6 PM – 8 PM. 

Networking Prep Event for Mentors/Alumni

Join us for an open discussion with both new and experienced alumni mentors and friends. This event is designed to educate and explain the process of informational interviewing and talk about the upcoming networking mixer.

March 9 at 5 PM-6 PM. 



Click here to read the original article