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Fifth Annual Hack@CEWIT to Take Place Virtually, Feb. 26 to 28

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.03.09 Hits458

Hack@CEWIT 2021— the annual student hackathon run by the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) at Stony Brook University, will take place virtually this year due for 43 consecutive hours from February 26 through 28, 2021. 

More than 300 college students from across the country will take part in the virtual Hack. With this year’s theme, “Innovating through a Pandemic,” the Hack will feature projects centered around areas such as telemedicine, online education, working from home and pandemic innovations; and the technologies used will focus on blockchain, machine learning, IoT and much more.

The event will culminate in a virtual science fair and award ceremony in which several prizes will be awarded, including Best in Show for both graduate and undergraduate students.