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Four Faculty Receive Inaugural Excellence in Educational Effectiveness (EEE) Award

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2022.12.14 Hits582


The Office of Educational Effectiveness (OEE), the first such department in the history of Stony Brook University, marked a pivotal moment by hosting its first annual all-day Assessment Symposium on November 10, 2022. As part of the Office of the Provost, the new department is tasked with leading campus-wide assessment initiatives that measure both student learning outcomes and administrative outcomes at the institution.

To mark the birth of this new office, and the increasing focus on assessment as an opportunity for institutional improvement to meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Carl Lejuez and members of OEE selected four faculty members to receive the inaugural Excellence in Educational Effectiveness (EEE) Award. This award identifies Stony Brook educators who have demonstrated, over many years, a passion for evaluating their own teaching practices by collecting student feedback and data to make improvements and revisions to their curriculum and instruction. Data can include course evaluations, aggregated student course work, or artifacts that demonstrate learning has been achieved and to what degree.

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