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Watch the Documentary About Fashion Calendar Founder Ruth Finley

AuthorFIT Home Campus REG_DATE2022.03.25 Hits370

March 10, 2022

Calendar Girl, the documentary about Ruth Finley, who created the legendary Fashion Calendar in the 1940s and organized the publication for seven decades, is now available via video on demand services such as Apple TV.

Finley (1920-2018) donated her papers, which documented the development of the calendar—a schedule and clearinghouse of information about American fashion—to FIT’s Special Collections and College Archives in the Gladys Marcus Library. She received the President’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2016. The film was produced and written by Natalie Nudell, adjunct assistant professor, History of Art, who started working on the film in 2015. “This project was a seven-year labor of love,” Nudell told Vogue.

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