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Prof. Bruce Jo received the Paper of Distinction

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2021.11.12 Hits499

The paper titled "Trust in Humanoid Robots in Footwear Stores: A Crisp-Set QCA Model" suggests a human perception and acceptance network model when humans are exposed to robots in retail stores. And it is aimed to enhance the trust between human and intelligent robots through the quantitative analysis for consumers' satisfaction, reliability, and sales. This HRI model can be used at the retail clothes or footwear stores to enhance on/off-line sales and marketing. It is a very practical attempt and will have great potential for in-field applications. - Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department, Bruce Jo.



Prof. Bruce Jo received the Paper of Distinction on Merchandising/Retailing part from ITAA (International Textile and Apparel Association) with his collaborator Prof. Christina Song, Illinois State University and Prof. Youn-Kyung Kim, University of Tennessee.